Title: | 台灣中小企業轉型的策略省思 精密機械刀具的經營與永續發展的探究 -以TK公司為案例研究- A Research on Transformation Strategy for Small and Medium Sized Companies in Taiwan - A Case Study of Cutting Tools Trading Company TK – |
Authors: | 賴宗諄 Lai, Chung-Chen 陳安斌 Chen, An-Pin 管理學院高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 案例教學;經營策略;組織架構;波特五力分析;強弱危機分析;case study;business strategy;organizational structure;Michael Porter's Five Forces Model;SWOT Analysis |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 哈佛商學院的案例教學推廣課程,如今已成國內大學EMBA積極仿效的教學風潮,鼓勵同學能將事業上的經營管理經驗分享與傳承給學弟妹們。柏克萊課堂上案例教學的親身體驗,深感結合時勢、符合現況的案例實務教學是極為重要的學習趨勢與學習平台。在此前提下,更由於師長鼓勵,本論文採用哈佛商學院的案例教學方式,以案例方式將TK公司實際經營的心路歷程整理描述,剖析TK公司從孕育初創期發展到成熟穩定期,企業生命週期中每一階段發展的重要決策轉折,及面對挑戰所提出的經營關鍵決策,期望能拋磚引玉帶動國內EMBA研習本土案例的風氣。中小企業資源及人才有限,往往一、二個錯誤的重大決定,就會讓經營多年的企業短期間陷入困境。台灣中小型企業生命力旺盛的普遍特質,在全球日益競爭的環境中,都能各自找到自己的定位,其中的經驗不論成功與失敗都是值得分享的資產。本論文以案例的方式現身說法,這只是一個開端,希望鼓勵後續學弟妹給予更深入的衍生,提出更新的思維方向與策略探討。 The extension program of case analysis which is implemented in Harvard Business School has now been greatly adapted by EMBA program in Taiwan. It encouraged students to share their management practice and experience with their juniors. From the case analysis course I took in Berkeley, I strongly felt that case study which involves the analysis of its specific circumstance and current situation is very important trend and platform for advanced learning in this area. With the encouragements from professors, I followed case study methodology developed by Harvard Business School to analyze TK Co. which I had dedicated great part of my time and efforts on it. This covered the history from its start-up stage to currently a well-established and stable stage. The decision making in every critical stage for the company to grow and expand and the major strategy to confront challenges were discussed. Hope it will bring more practices on the analysis and study of Taiwan’s local enterprises in EMBA program. Small and medium enterprises have limited resources; therefore any wrong decision making in critical stages might quickly put the company with creditable track records in great difficulty. The small to medium enterprises in Taiwan all have the same characteristics of strong fighting power; therefore regardless of how tough and severe the global competition is, they all can find their own position to survive and grow. The experience involved regardless of successful or failed results are all valuable assets and wroth sharing. This thesis used case study as a starting point. Hopefully it will evoke further analysis in the class and create new thinking and strategy to the company. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/74331 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |