標題: 企業跨足高進入障礙市場之競爭策略研究—以A公司為例
A Study on the Competitive Strategy of Enterprise Entered into a Market with Tough Entry Barriers –A Company as a Case
作者: 林佳榮
Chen, Quang-Hua
Jen, William
關鍵字: 進入障礙;競爭策略;安全氣囊;氣體發生器;SWOT;波特五力分析;five forces analysis;competitive strategies;airbag;inflator;SWOT;entry barriers
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 永續是企業經營的重要目標之一,企業要永續經營必須要能長期穩定獲利,從經濟學的角度來看,除非是需求能持續增加的市場否則就是競爭對手少的市場,較容易讓企業長期獲利;高進入障礙產業且同時具備需求穩定成長的市場是企業家最期望進入的市場。 汽車產業中的被動式防護系統的關鍵零件,安全氣囊氣體發生器,具備特殊專業特性、製造生產技術高與營運成本高的產業特性,因為技術門檻高,目前全球市場由少數幾家企業所掌握,此外全球汽車產業仍每年持續成長,因此安全氣囊氣體發生器市場符合進入門檻高且需求持續成長的特性,企業若能成功跨入此市場,將有希望長期獲利、甚至永續經營。 本研究係對在台灣經營超過25年擁有世界一流高壓鋼瓶製造技術的個案公司,探討其利用本身技術優勢,轉型發展高技術與資本障礙的安全氣囊氣體發生器產品。個案公司針對市場的需求,設計開發性能與安全性兼具的混合型發生器,且迅速被市場所接受。 本研究針對安全氣囊產業特性、市場狀況、個案公司的競爭策略做分析,透過SWOT分析與波特五力分析的方法,分析個案公司相對於產業競爭對手的優劣勢,發現個案公司利用完整的技術、產品以及迅速的需求回饋,提供客戶滿意的服務,個案公司所採用的策略可做為其他企業欲跨足高進入障礙市場時的參考。
Sustainable development is one of the important goals of enterprise, and the stable long-term profitability is key factor of sustainable development. According to an economic point of view, a market with continues increase in demand or with less competitor, easier allow enterprises to long-term profitability. A market with tough entry barriers and stable growth is the most desirable market for entrepreneurs. Airbag inflator is the key parts of the automobile industry in passive protection systems. The characteristics of inflator industry are professional features, special manufacturing technology and the high operating costs. Because of high technical threshold, the airbag inflator supplied by a few companies. Airbag inflator market is a tough entry barriers market, if companies successfully entered this market, there will be hope that long-term profits, even sustainable development. A case company in Taiwan for over 25 years with world-class high-pressure cylinders manufacturing technology. Development of airbag hybrid inflator in the pass few years and quickly accepted by the market. In this study, we analysis the airbag industry characteristics and market conditions. The company's competitive strategy of case company was analysis, especially through the SWOT and Porter five forces skills. The strengths and weaknesses of cases company was disclosured and can be used as a reference to other companies want to step into the high entry barriers market.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363024