Title: 半導體晶圓代工業之經營策略分析-以V公司為例
The business strategy analysis of semiconductor foundry industry: A Case Study of V Company
Authors: 古嘉智
Huang, Jen-Hung
Keywords: 半導體產業;晶圓代工;五力分析;SWOT分析;資源基礎理論;Semiconductor industry;Foundry;Five Forces Analysis;SWOT analysis;Resource-Based Theory
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 全球半導體產業正面臨成長趨緩與競爭趨烈的嚴峻挑戰,遵循半世紀的摩爾定律,隨著製程技術不斷的微縮已瀕臨物理極限,技術發展速度開始趨緩,半導體產業即將邁入後摩爾定律時代。一線晶圓代工廠為了爭取技術領先的地位,投入鉅額的研發經費持續開發先進製程技術。而無力負擔的二線晶圓代工廠,將以成熟製程市場做為主力戰場。而由於成熟製程市場的進入障礙低,在DRAM業者及中國半導體廠商等競爭對手相繼加入戰局之後,將使市場競爭日益激烈。身處晶圓代工產業之二線廠商:世界先進,將如何確保競爭優勢能持續呢? 本研究從五力分析理論,探討晶圓代工產業的現況與競爭態勢,經由個案公司聯電與世界先進探討其所擁有的優勢、劣勢以及核心資源,來確認公司的競爭優勢,並結合外部最有利的機會,提出因應的競爭策略建議,以供經理人建立競爭優勢的參考。
The global semiconductor industry is facing difficult challenges of growth slowdown and increasingly fierce competition, Moore’s Law has been followed over 50 years. As process shrink has been approaching the physical limit of Moore's Law, the speed of technological development began to slow down. When semiconductor industry is entering post-Moore-Law age, leading foundries start to invest considerable amount of money in development of advanced process technology in order to keep their leading place, however, as for the second-tier foundries, investigation in development is hard to be affordable, as a result, they focus majorly on the mature technology market rather than advanced process. Because of mature technology market with low entry barriers, new competitors jump into this battlefield. The mature technology market competition violent becomes fierce. The goal of this study is to analyze how second-string foundry: VIS to keep their competitive advantage. In this study, we explore the present stage and competitive strategies of the foundry industry in terms of Five Forces Theory. This study select two foundries: UMC and VIS, as model companies to explore their competitive advantages from the perspectives of their strength, weakness, and core resource. Furthermore, this study aims to find out their best competitive strategy with favorable external opportunities.
Appears in Collections:Thesis