Title: 中國崛起以後,日系半導體廠商的困境與突破 - 以A公司為例
China's Rise, the Plight and Breakthrough of the Japanese Semiconductor IDM - the Case Study of Company A
Authors: 吳茂盛
Wu, Mao-Sheng
Chen, An-Pin
Keywords: 世界工廠;中國半導體產業;晶圓代工;SWOT分析;factory of the world;China's semiconductor industry;foundry;SWOT analysis.
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 摘    要


China has a vast labor resources and huge domestic market. According to the research agencies in the investigation 65.4% of 2011 world production of electronic products manufactured in China. China's semiconductor consumption is more than 38% of the world in 2010. Due to the competitive environment and technological development of the semiconductor industry is rapidly changing and the opening of the China market, the national semiconductor manufacturers originally based on global supply, but now the China market is the most important part in the future development of the company.
Japan, which is the neighboring country of Hong Kong and Taiwan, has good technological skills and location advantage. However, recently, because of industry relocation and economic recession makes Japanese semiconductor industry lack of competitiveness. Therefore, Japan can’t acquire the benefits from China mutual market.
In this study, Company A- Japanese semiconductor company for the study. This case company use SWOT analysis method to study whether the combination of the advantages of Taiwan's semiconductor industry or to enter the China’s market alone by their own forces in the research and analysis of the situation of the world, Japan and Taiwan's semiconductor industry, to enhance the company's future competitiveness and direction. And to study Taiwan's fabless IC design company, foundry and assembly and test vendors have the ability to Japan IDM semiconductor manufacturers to build a complementary, the win-win the strategic partnership, co-operation of the Chinese market. Use expert questionnaire survey to collect data.
Appears in Collections:Thesis