Title: 中國半導體產業的困境與突破-以中芯國際為例
The Difficulty and The Break Points of The Semiconductor Industry in China
Authors: 廖振添
Liao, Chen-Tien
Keywords: 中國半導體產業;SWOT分析;專家問卷;China Semiconductor Industry;SWOT Analysis;Expert Questionnaire
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 中國大陸積極發展半導體產業,半導體產業的供給與需求逐年上升。中國市場早已成為世界半導體的最大市場之一。根據市場預測到2015年中國半導體市場產值將有機會突破1000億美元。從2011年大陸正式將半導體產業視為七大新興產業中「新一代資訊技術」項下的基礎建設之一,而隨著中華經濟圈的崛起,產業環境與政策條件的持續改善,有可能吸引更多資金、技術、人才的流入,與台灣成為競爭又合作的關係,這些大環境的影響是值得我們深思的議題。雖然中國半導體產業還沒有如臺灣發展,但未來潛力是不容忽視的,所以本論文針對大陸半導體產業龍頭中芯國際來作深入探討,藉由半導體產業之專家問卷,透過SWOT的問卷設計,與全球半導體產業與個案公司的分析之研究結果,來瞭解中國半導體產業的現況,也期望藉由此論文,能提供產業先進擬定兩岸半導體產業政策的參考,並持續的共創兩岸半導體產業的雙贏策略。
Mainland China has been active in the development of the semiconductor industry, and its supply and demand has increased year by year. China's semiconductor industry market has become one of the world's largest markets. According to market forecasts, by 2015 the output value of China's semiconductor market will reach $ 100 billion. From 2011, the semiconductor industry in China has been officially regarded as seven new industries as "a new generation of information technology". With the rise of China Economic Area, as the industrial environment and policy conditions keep improving, there is likely to attract more capital, technology, and talent inflow, therefore, the relationship between the Mainland China and Taiwan has become competitive and cooperative. These large environmental impact issues is worthy for us to explore deeply. Although China's semiconductor industry is not developed like Taiwan, but its future potential should not be ignored. Therefore, in this study, we focus on SMIC, the leading company of semiconductor industry in Mainland China, as a case for further study. To understand the current status of China's semiconductor industry, the analysis of the global semiconductor industry and SMIC companies were made by expert questionnaire, through the SWOT questionnaire design. In this paper we also intend to provide the semiconductor industry some advanced industrial strategic references for both Mainland China and Taiwan, and continue to create a win-win strategy for the semiconductor industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis