标题: 具垂直锁定机台特性下之产能需求规划之设计-以晶圆厂黄光区为例
The design of Capacity Requirement Planning Model for the Photolithography Operations with Machine Dedication Consideration
作者: 黄慧云
Hui-Yun Huang
Shu-Hsing Chung
关键字: 产能需求规划;垂直锁定机台;工单指派;网路基础指派;Capacity Requirement Planning;Machine dedication;job assignement;COLA;Network based assignment
公开日期: 2004
摘要: 因应半导体制程技术的提升,要求微影制程之线宽窄化的条件日益严谨。为能掌握微影制程线宽的规格要求,因此产品会被要求在具有该制程规格能力的机台加工,并针对不同制程层别会有绑机的限制。本文探究具绑机特性下之产能分配,使具不同制程规格能力之机台产能平衡,因而提出不同制程规格情境下的产能负荷分配模式,期望在考量产能负荷平衡下从事工单指派至机台之工作。
本文所提之黄光区产能需求分配模式,考量垂直锁定机台的条件,系应用Chung and Huang [1] COLA演算法,求取分配至机台的制程规格负荷量,以便依各机台之制程规格负荷量进行工单之机台指派。接着,本文运用 Sule [3] 氏之网路基础指派法,来分派工单进行机台之指派。其以工单制程规格弹性之大小来决定工单选取顺序,并以机台制程规格弹性的大小来决定机台指派之优先顺序。待所有工单分配完毕后,即可求得工单指派至机台的结果与各机台利用率。
Owing to the requirement to improve process technology, there is a restriction with the process capability on line width for the photolithography operation in the semiconductor fabrication. In order to meet the specification of line dimension, jobs are required be processed on some machines for capability limitation. Also, there has machine dedication restriction for all the photolithography operations of critical layers. To solve these problems, this thesis develops a Capacity Requirement Planning model to get load balance with process capability and machine dedication considerations and then to do job assignment based on the optimized result of loading balance.
This paper adopts “Capability-Oriented Loading Allocation” [1] to allocate the loading to each machine with machine capability and dedication restrictions in photolithography operations. Then, based on results of load allocation, job assignment method “Network based assignment” by Sule [3] is applied to do job assignment. Job priority will be determined according to job flexibility, ranking by ascending order. Then, machine selection is performed based on the machine flexibility index. The one has minimum machine flexibility index will have the first priority. We stop job assignment when all jobs are assigned. At the end, it can get the job assignment result and machine utilization.
The case study shows that it is easy to use and to obtain load allocation and job assignment results rapidly through this model, considering process capability and machine dedication. The proposed Capacity Requirement Planning model hence is good for decision-making.