标题: 劳工集体协商力量发挥之影响 - 以美国码头工会ILWU合约为例
Influence Derived from Negotiation Power of Collective Bargaining - Investigation on ILWU Contract
作者: 刘志宏
关键字: 集体协商;团体协约;工会;劳工关系;Collective Bargaining;Labor Union;Industrial Relations;Labor Relations
公开日期: 2013
摘要: 企业经营中如何以和谐的劳资关系带动企业的成长是企业经理人关切的话题。而当劳资关系进入了法律上所保障的对立状态,则开始了一场劳资双方谈判力对决的游戏。谈判力的累积或运用因人而异,本文尝试以美国西岸码头工人的集体协商合约结果为例,观察其在美国法律保障下,发挥集体协商谈判力所得结果, 对产业所带来的影响,也提醒企业经理人如何在管理上维持良好的劳资关系,营造劳资双方共同为企业发展的气氛,减少对立,更进一步减少进入集体协商后所可能带来的损失。
Industrial Relations is one of the critical concerns that management focus in business administration. When both sides (management and labor) enter into a confronting position which is protected by law, it would trigger a game of negotiation power. How to accumulate or utilize negotiation power depends on situation. This thesis is trying to study the collective bargaining result made by ILWU, the powerful union in the west coast of United States, and observe how the collective bargaining result impact the industry. In the meantime, this thesis reminds management to maintain fair industrial relations and lead employees toward the direction of striving for the future of company instead of confronting atmosphere and to further reduce the chance of economic loss derived from collective bargaining.