標題: 由組織文化與領導探討企業系統之整合–以Y公司為例
The study of corporation system integration from the view of organizational culture and leadership – a case study of Y company
作者: 林妤柔
Lin, Yu-Rou
Tsai, Min-Jen
關鍵字: 組織文化;領導類型;系統整合;Organizational culture;Leadership;systems integration
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 企業常見的系統整合普遍的原因是為購併而進行的,執行整合的公司直接整併被整合的公司,甚少考量是否有其他限制因素,反之若是在非購併行為中進行整合者,其系統整合常因組織文化與領導風格不同而有所差異,而造成無法一體適用之發生可能。 本研究內容以實務案例,透過Lewin提出的三階變革模型來探討個案公司系統整合專案現況,並說明個案公司在專案導入各階段面臨之挑戰及因應對策,預期對組織變革所產生的影響、目的與效益,以及面臨之困境。本研究專案對系統整合導入以使用單位、專案團隊等不同面向做訪談,在面臨企業文化不同的情況下所獲得之結論依階段有三點,首先,在專案規劃階段,謹慎評估各單位間的簽核流程與組織、及審視系統整合後利益;其次,在專案進行階段,系統彈性設計以確保未來專案彈性運用;最後在專案上線階段,作業流程趨於一致性,確保系統易於管理。
The system integration among corporations is generally intrigued by the business merger or acquisition which consolidates the functions for enterprise. During the integration, several limiting factors generally are bypassed during the operation. Among the merger behaviors, the issues of organizational culture and leadership may be the critical factors for the success of the system integration. This research focuses on the practical cases through Lewin’s the three-stage process model to investigate the current project of corporate system integration. In addition, the challenges among stages and countermeasures are analyzed including the impact for the changes of organization structures, the business objectives, corporation benefits, and practice dilemma. Through the interviews between different business units and project team, this research concludes three factors for the success of system integration as following: the first, it is critical to analyze the authorization flow for the business during the planning stage of the project. The second, elastic system design is required to ensure the future usage for the system while the project is proceeding. The last, workflows should be consistent for system management during the stage while the system is online.
Appears in Collections:Thesis