標題: 結合失效模式與風險管理表做為企業研發專案的風險管理機制研究---以Y公司為案例
Using FMEA (Failure Mode Effects and Analysis ) & RMP ( Risk Management Plan ) as Risk Control Methods for Company’s R&D Projects – a Case Study of Y Company
作者: 鄧崇正
Liang, Shing-Ko
關鍵字: 研究發展;專案管理;風險評估;失效模式與效應分析;風險管理計劃表;品質機能展開;Research and Development;Project Management;Risk Assessment;Failure Mode Effects and Analysis;Risk Management Plan;Quality Function Deployment
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 研究發展是企業永續發展之關鍵。研發投入的資源比重愈大,風險評估或控管就相對愈重要。企業大多是以專案方式來進行其研發的工作,所以研發專案的風險評估與控制是一項值得深入探討的課題。 本研究以失效模式、效應與分析(Failure Mode Effects and Analysis, FMEA)作為研發設計風險之管理機制,並以風險管理表( Risk Management Plan, RMP ) 做為專案風險的管理機制。 並以國際知名電子公司之無線接收器設計為例。透過三次FMEA之風險評估會議,訂定風險控管之因應措施。第一次為高階設計評估,由先期的討論和其他產品開發經驗,提供可能風險的預測,為實質設計預作準備。第二次低階設計評估,意謂著完整到底層的意思,清楚的分析所有項目,找出風險指數最高的項目,先予以解決。第三次評估,確認所有的問題已解決或可接受。 對於專案的風險管理則:對研發團隊與能力先做強弱態勢分析,然後以QFD ( Quality Function Deployment ) 的手法來預測可能的專案風險項目,最後以風險管理表來對各風險做因應之道。
Research and Development is a key success factor for enterprises. The more resources put into R&D, the more importance of risk management became for enterprises. The way of enterprise to proceed R&D work is using projects, so it is worth to study how to access and manage the risks of R&D projects of enterprises. For this study, we are using Failure Mode Effect and Analysis ( FMEA ) as a methodology for design risk management, and using Risk Management Plan ( RMP ) for project risk management. Also took a real case as a example which was a R&D projects of a well known company to deliver a new type of radio frequency receiver for keyboard and mouse. They took three times of FMEA – to get pre-examine of design risks and prevent from occurred. For project risks, they took Strength and Weakness Analysis to QFD risk predication and Risk Management Plan to control the risks of projects.
Appears in Collections:Thesis