標題: 國軍救災機具配置區域之分析
An Analysis of the R.O.C. Military Disaster Relief Equipment Allocation
作者: 李奉真
Lee, Fong-Chen
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 天然災害;非傳統安全;國軍救災;Natural disaster;Non-traditional security;National army disaster rescue
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 台灣從民國88年921地震至民國98年莫拉克颱風等多次天然災害的無情重創之後,非傳統安全在台灣也開始受到關注,國軍自87年至102年期間投入災害防救,共派遣飛機14340架次,舟艇7817舟次,車輛68812車次及1678022人次執行救災任務,累積之災害防救成效包括:消毒面積累積共計82萬9997平方公里、後送民眾累積共計4萬1503人、堆置沙包65萬5162個、清運垃圾23萬9995車次(兩噸半卡車計算)、清理道路與水溝1萬1749公里。另外,依據國軍103年台灣各區域救災機具配置與災害風險,並計算各區域救災機具的需求強度 (demand intensity) ,結果發現,發電機需求強度以南部最高,船艇膠舟則以東部最高,輪車、重機具、抽水機、消毒器及甲車需求強度皆以中部最高。為了進一步提升災害防救的能量,仍須透過與災害防救相關的主要負責單位、協助救災的國軍及民間資源共同協調整合,並透過持續補充救災機具較少的區域,來強化台灣地區整體的災害應變能力。
Experiencing Jiji earthquake on September 21, 1999 and Typhoon Morakot of August 8, 2009, Taiwan was lashed by several natural disasters. Non-traditional security issues have become increasingly common in Taiwan. From 1998 to 2013, large numbers of aircrafts, ships, vehicles, and manpower have been put into disaster prevention and rescue activities from national army. To date, about 820 thousand square kilometers have been disinfected, 40 thousand victims of disaster have been evacuated, 65 thousand sandbags have been stacked, 60 thousand trashes have been cleaned, and 10 thousand kilometers of roads and ditches have been cleaned. This study employs the risk management formula and military disaster relief equipment allocation in 2014, to estimate demand intensity for relief equipment among regions in Taiwan. The result shows that the highest demand intensity for alternators is in the southern region, the highest demand intensity for ships is in the eastern region and the highest demand intensity for trucks, heavy machinery, pumps, sterilizers and armored cars is in the central region. In order to enhance disaster prevention and rescue activities, central regulating authorities should cooperate with each other and keep supplying disaster relief equipment in the highest demand intensity areas.
Appears in Collections:Thesis