Title: 中小企業與國際級大廠的競爭策略-以G公司為例
The Strategy of Competing with Global Giant- A case study of Technology Company G
Authors: 張嘉興
Chang, Chia Hsing
Chen, An-Pin
Keywords: TFT-LCD產業;SWOT分析;TFT-LCD Industry;SWOT Analysis
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 近年來哈佛商學院「個案教學」的方式逐漸成為管理學院授課的主流,國內許多知名大學亦紛紛起而效尤。個人在交大EMBA的學程中曾前往美國柏克萊大學以及大陸北京大學親身體驗哈佛的個案教學,學程中亦安排企業實地參訪。在課堂上與多位師長及同學們大家腦力激盪,思考著不同個案的經營者在當時所面臨的問題,互相辯論著不同解決方案的優缺點,兩年下來的學習深感案例在教學的重要性以及對擬定經營策略的啟發。此外,論文指導教授陳安斌老師亦多次提到:目前居世界領導地位的哈佛商業學院,正積極地推廣個案教學研究作為管理學院上課的主流,而老師也期盼透過個案教學,期許EMBA的同學們能將事業上的實戰經驗傳承給仍在學校就讀的學弟妹們,作為未來職場上的參考。在此前提下,本論文以G公司作為案例,剖析G公司,從開創期、金融風暴時期發展到準備逐鹿中原期,在每一個階段所面臨的內外在環境挑戰,透過經營決策的提出,讓管理階層人員及學弟妹研究思考,並鼓勵可進而延伸以SWOT及五力分析的方法來提出新的思維方向與策略探討。台灣中小型企業生命力旺盛,在全球日益競爭的環境下,還是各自能找到各自的出口,而其中成功與失敗者的經驗都是珍貴的資產。本論文以案例的方式,現身說法並期望能拋磚引玉帶動國內EMBA發展本土案例的風潮,以提升學術界的競爭力。
Recently, the case study of Harvard Business School is getting popular and becoming main stream chosen by business school of universities in the world. In addition, more and more famous EMBA of Taiwan universities use this method, too. In the past 2 years, I attended UC Berkeley and Peking university program and visited benchmark companies as well. Through studying a lot of cases and analyze the goodness and weakness of different proposals with professors and classmates, I deeply feel how important the case study is and I also get a lot of hints how to make a better strategy through this process. Besides, my advisor Prof. Chen expects students can share our real experience to junior students for their reference for their future career as well.
For these reasons, this paper takes one AM service company of TFT-LCD Array equipment as a case to analyze how to overcome challenges in every stage of corporate life cycles, and encourage juniors thinking the business decisions on management issues. Finally, through SWOT analysis, we propose a sustainable business strategy as the direction of future operations.
Nowadays, even though Taiwan’s SMEs face very tough competition with global competitors, we still survive. Either successful or failure cases are very valuable assets for the whole industry to learn. Therefore, I expect to use this paper as an inspiration for domestic EMBA program developing more local cases.
Appears in Collections:Thesis