Title: | 小尺寸TFT LCD模組組成架構分析與發展趨勢探討-以G公司為例 The Trend Analyze of the Development and Application for the small size TFT-LCD module -A case study of G Company |
Authors: | 林育如 LIN,YU-JU 袁建中 Yuan, Benjamin J.C. 理學院應用科技學程 |
Keywords: | 技術地圖;五力分析;TFT LCD;背光模組;Technology Roadmap;five-force analysis;TFT LCD;Backlight |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 台灣中小尺寸面板占全球出貨量達到56%以上,位居全球第一大供應國家,隨著近年來消費性產品熱銷,中小尺寸面板在市場上有著高客製化、生命週期短、迅速開發時程、快速變化等特色,考驗著面板產業之對此市場的應變能力。本研究宗旨於分析小尺寸模組架構,了解模組產品其主要架構的技術現狀與未來發展趨勢。在此論文中選擇台灣一間中小型液晶顯示器廠商,針對小尺寸TFT LCD模組產品組成架構中的目前技術發展狀況,結合技術地圖、五力分析方法,提出未來小尺寸TFT LCD模組的發展趨勢。 個案研究部分,以現今小尺寸TFT LCD模組為例,實際案例使用五力分析與技術地圖規劃,成功架立起具有競爭力之平台,達到效果: 1.縮短開發時間 2.提高新產品開發成功案 3.降低開發成本 4. 降低生產成本。 對小尺寸TFT LCD 模組發展有三點建議:1、有效提升產品開發成功率; 2、技術領先高規格產品,提高生產之毛利; 3. 降低成本: 標準化規格,彙整上下游供應鏈,將共用材料規格統一。 期盼本研究之產品規劃模型,在實務上可以作為企業評估開發案的架構,提升產品開發成功率與企業競爭力。 Taiwan’s manufacture for flat LC display in small size TFT-LCD have over 56% in global and which is the first TFT-LCD maker around the world. Small size TFT-LCD in portable devices for general use is in consumer product and the demand is highly increasing. The portable market shows in highly consumer, short life cycle, developing quickly, product marketing change easily and which means have great task for LCD maker’s capability. This study mainly is in LCD structure analysis and future design which use “Technology Roadmap” and “five-force analysis” for next product generation. In case study, we build a model with competitive platform successfully in small size TFT LCD module which use in “five-force analysis” and “Roadmap”. We except this model can have 1. Shorten developing lead time 2. Raise up hit rate for project success 3. Reduce development costs 4. Cost down for product BOM (bill of material). For further explanation for that, we have 3 targets and suggestions as below: 1. In order to fulfill customer schedule and business opportunity, we shorten developing lead time effectively. 2. In order to raise revenue and profit effectively, we provide high quality and specific product. 3. Cost down plan: Specification standardize which use standard material include upstream and downstream parts in order to have cheaper cost. We hope this platform model can extend to industry when in proposal stage, in order to create company competitive and raise project hit rate |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/44032 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |