標題: Mathematical model of bypass behaviors used in scroll compressor
作者: Liu, Yangguang
Hung, Chinghua
Chang, Yuchoung
Department of Mechanical Engineering
關鍵字: Bypass;Valves;Scroll compressor;Efficiency
公開日期: 1-四月-2009
摘要: This paper has constructed a bypass mechanism mathematical model in scroll-type compressor (STC) and has been integrated into a simulation package to predict the STC performance. The bypass mechanism,when added to a fixed scroll, is used to prevent over-compression and liquid slugging. Under five specified operating conditions, it was found that the STC with the bypass action increased the isentropic efficiency 2.5-10% more than the STC without the bypass action. Meanwhile, the calculated results of the developed model have been validated by a STC testing apparatus. In addition, it was found that the design of the bypass mechanism in the paper, can completely avoid over-compression and pressure discrepancy while the STC is in operation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2008.05.023
ISSN: 1359-4311
DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2008.05.023
Volume: 29
Issue: 5-6
起始頁: 1058
結束頁: 1066


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