标题: 汽車供應鏈電子化協同合作的塑模與實作方法分析
Analysis of Modeling and Implementation Methods for Electronic Collaboration in Automotive Supply Chain
作者: 邱育智
Chiu Yu-Chih
Dr.Gau-Rong Liang
关键字: 汽車供應鏈;電子化協同合作;統一塑模語言;XML文件;Automotive Supply Chain;Electronic Collaboration;Unified Modeling Language;XML Document
公开日期: 2003
摘要: 現今電子化協同合作已成為改善汽車供應鏈效率的必需技術。在本論文中分析並比較幾種電子化協同合作的塑模與實作方法。而在各項標準的考量評估下,本論文分別選擇統一塑模語言及XML文件為塑模與實作的工具。這兩項工具並運用於本論文個案之國內某匿名的汽車供應鏈的協同合作系統之建構。
Electronic collaboration has recently becomes a necessary technology for improving efficiency in automotive supply chains. In this thesis, various modeling and implementation methods are analyzed and compared for electronic collaboration. Then under some criteria considered, Unified modeling language and extensible markup language document are selected as the final modeling and implementation tools, respectively. Both approaches are also used for constructing an electronic collaboration system in an anonymous automotive supply chain located in Taiwan.