Title: 供應鏈電子化採購運作模式之探討與實作
The Study and Implementation of E-Procurement Operation Model
Authors: 高明江
Ming-Jiang Gao
Der-Baau Perng
Keywords: 供應鏈;電子採購;XML;Supply Chain;e-procurement;XML
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 現今市場上的競爭已經由以往的企業與企業間的競爭,轉變為供應鏈與供應鏈的競爭,因此,企業在思考提昇競爭力而進行改善活動的同時,除了考量企業體本身以外,必須以供應鏈的角度出發,評估供應鏈中的合作夥伴能不能配合或者應該如何配合才能真正有效的提昇競爭力。
最後實作一電子採購系統,以現今B2B網路技術中最熱門的XML格式商業文件為基礎,並搭配中介軟體Biztalk Server,建構出可使供應鏈體系間各資訊化程度的供應商,均能加入電子化採購作業的運作,並且使上、下游間的資訊傳遞不因資訊能力而中斷並且得以快速且正確的進行。
The market competition has been changed from a conventional business management to the whole supply-chain management. So, when an enterprise attempts to promote its competitiveness should think about not only the promotion of the competitiveness of the enterprise itself but also the promotion of the competitiveness of the whole supply-chain. In the meanwhile, it is need to evaluate whether all the partners in the supply-chain can operate or collaborate with each other to promote the competitiveness.
Owing to the progress of B2B e-commerce, more and more companies expect to adopt e-procurement to substitute the human operation. But the change of procurement operations usually leads to the situation that the powerful companies coerce the weakly partners in the supply-chain. And, this makes the weakly partners still cannot improve their operation model even after adopting electronic procurement.
In this study, we try to probe into the e-procurement operation model, to analyze the supply-chain procurement operation of the partners, and to improve the workflow of all partners in the supply-chain. When the partners, of different levels of information technology in the supply-chain, adopt proper supply-chain e-procurement operation model, the competitiveness of the whole supply chain can be raised.
An XML-based e-procurement system is implemented in this research. By using such system, all partners of different levels of information technology in the supply-chain can work together. The middle-ware Biztalk Server was used for the implemented. Some implemented scenarios show that the information flow can be worked smoothly among all the partners of different information technology level in the supply chain.
Appears in Collections:Thesis