Title: 廠商採用E-Procurement對Competitive Priorities影響之相關分析-以台灣高科技製造商為例
A Study of E-Procurement Affecting Taiwan High Technology Manufacturers’ Competitive Priorities
Authors: 劉美君
Mei-Chun Liu
Chiun-Sin Lin
Keywords: 電子採購;採購;企業對企業電子商務;電子商務;協同作業;e-procurement;competitive priorities;purchasing;B2B;electronic commerce;collaboration
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 網際網路的發展加速了資訊的傳遞,使得企業與企業之間的溝通產生了革命性的變化。從早期的EDI至今日以Web為基礎的技術演進,通訊方式的改良讓企業得以實現即時運作,同時節省成本並改善企業的作業流程。
本研究針對台灣地區之高科技製造商進行調查,試圖瞭解就協同作業的觀點對於廠商採用電子採購意願是否有所影響,同時也找出協同作業的因素是否對competitive priorities有所影響。
採購系統與存貨管理及生產排程系統的連結固然能將生產成本降低,改善生產效率。但藉由電子採購與供應商進行產品設計的協同合作,將更能提高產品的附加價值,使企業的利潤得以極大化,並增加競爭優勢(competitive advantage)。
1. 當廠商以電子採購向供應商進行原物料的採購時,(電子化)協同科技的應用的因素會對廠商的Competitive Priorities有顯著影響。
2. 當廠商以電子採購向供應商進行原物料的採購時,協同資訊的管理的因素會對廠商的Competitive Priorities有顯著影響。
The development of Internet speeds up transporting information. It also gives a dramatic change to enterprises’ communication. From EDI to Web-based technology, the improvement of communication gives firms a chance to realize just-in-time operation. Meanwhile this kind of improvement also helps them cost down and meliorates business process.
Purchasing materials is a very important part of industrial production. Many manufacturers do their best to solve purchasing problems. There are many researches using different concepts to discuss this agenda. These papers point out that “E-Procurement” is an effective solution of purchasing process problems.
This study focuses on the high technology manufacturers in Taiwan. We try to find out whether the factor”collaboration” would influence them using E-Procurement or not. And we also try to confirm whether the factor “collaboration” would influence competitive priorities or not.
Although we discover that those manufacturers are agree with the importance of e-procurement, there are not so many firms using it. Those who have used e-procurement often connect stock management and production planning systems with e-procurement system. But they do not emphasize on combining e-procurement system with product design process.
Maybe connecting stock management and production planning systems with e-procurement system can lower production cost and improve production efficiency. Using e-procurement system to collaborate with suppliers in production design will add more value to products. It also can maximize the profit and gives firms competitive advantage.
In this study, we use stepwise regression to analyze the data. We discover:
1. When manufacturers using e-procurement on material purchasing, the application of collaboration will has significant influence on their competitive priorities.
2. When manufacturers using e-procurement on material purchasing, the management of collaboration information will has significant influence on their competitive priorities.
Manufacturers also think when using e-procurement on material purchasing, he application of collaboration and the management of collaboration information will influence on their production cost, quality, delivery, and flexibility.
Appears in Collections:Thesis