Title: 金控公司整合行銷傳播之策略研究--以法人金融業務為例
The Study of Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy of Financial Holding Companies – Using Wholesale Banking Business as an Example
Authors: 蔡璇如
Tsai, Hsuan-Ju
Chen, An-Pin
Keywords: 金融控股公司;整合行銷傳播;品牌;深度訪談;Financial Holding Company;Integrated Marketing Communication;Brand;In-depth Interview
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 自1990年政府陸續開放新銀行設立以來,銀行業過度競爭(over banking) 之現象一直存在,雖於2001年6月立法院三讀通過「金融控股公司法」,其目的在於讓金融機構發揮綜效,強化金融跨業經營整合之合併監理,促進金融市場健全發展,以期提升並達到整合服務之綜效。但台灣金融機構的家數並未因此而下降,加上大型的跨國金融集團進入台灣市場,對我國金融業的衝擊逐步加深,市場競爭愈趨激烈。 且在主管機關的管制之下,各家金融機構所推出之各項業務多具有相當高的同質性,因此在台灣市場有限與銀行家數過多的情況下,金融業已是進入價格廝殺的紅海戰場。如何利用整合行銷傳播,建立品牌知名度,進而吸引客戶、深耕客戶,創造出屬於金融業的藍海策略,即是本論文所要研究並探討之處。 本研究透過專家訪談問卷,對金控公司法人金融業務中黏著度較高之企業財務人員及金控公司法人金融業務相關從業人員進行深度訪談。經由問卷資訊的整理與分析,找出整合行銷傳播的關鍵成功因素及其優勢之所在,來探索對於金控公司法人業務而言,如何利用整合行銷傳播,建立品牌知名度,吸引客戶、深耕客戶並進而與客戶相互扶持共同成長,以達到永續合作的關係,並期許本研究能對於目前處在競爭激烈環境下之金融產業盡些微薄之力。
The overbanking in Taiwan has been an issue ever since the government decided to liberate the establishing of new banks in early 1990s.The Legislative Yuan Republic of China passed the Financial Holding Company Law in June of 2001 with the intention to enhance the synergy within financial holding companies, strengthen the supervision of cross-selling of financial industry,improve the development of financial markets, and increase the overall quality of service provided.Nevertheless, the number of financial institutions in Taiwan did not decrease. Furthermore, with more and more international financial groups entering Taiwan, the impact on Taiwanese financial industry grow deeper and the competition in Taiwan becomes more fierce. Under the regulations of government, financial institutions offer extremely similar financial products. In the meantime, due to the small size of market and large numbers of banks, the financial industry now enters a stage of price-cutting ‘war zone’.The main purpose of this paper is to study how to use Integrated Marketing Communication to establish brand recognition, attract customers, cultivate cline-base, and create a‘strategy of blue sea’ for the financial industry. Through in-depth interviewing of specialists from the backgrounds of corporations’ financial managers who focus on corporate banking business andfinancial institutions’ officers who focus on corporate banking business, this study tries to find out what is the key to the success of Integrated Marketing Communication and the strength of Integrated Marketing Communication.The study also tries to explore how to use Integrated Marketing Communication to establish brand recognition, attract customers, and grow with clients in order to achieve a long lasting relationship of corporation. The study also tries to contribute to the financial industry which faces tough completion.
Appears in Collections:Thesis