Title: 品牌與製造分割之研究 ~ 以H公司為例 ~
A Study of Corporate Spin-off by Brand and Manufacturing -A Case Study of Company H -
Authors: 吳龍騰
Wu, Long-teng
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 公司分割;製造;品牌;corporate spin-off;manufacturing;brand
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 科技日新月異,手機產業製造業隨著智慧型手機產業的崛起,高速發展,昔日手機龍頭Nokia應變不及,失去競爭優勢,手機銷售市場面臨改朝換代,台灣手機品牌製造大廠 H 公司也面臨到相同的問題,堅守高階智慧型手機市場,但面對國際大廠與崛起中的中國品牌手機製造商的壓縮與供應鏈的管理問題,節節敗退,又失去中低價手機市場,錯失商機,造成銷售量大減,從2012年到2013年面對獲利銳減及連續虧損的問題,讓H公司在營運上面臨嚴峻的考驗。
Mobile phone markets are growing faster than anticipated. Nokia that was once the world’s leading brand of mobile phone has fallen behind in the market since 2012 because it didn’t foresee the big change of the mobile phone market and didn’t invest in the smartphone market. H company makes the same mistake by neglecting the change of the trend of the smartphone market. It’s keeping focusing on the high-end smartphone market makes him miss a huge chunk of the mid / low-tier market which is focus on the cost/performance ratio. As the increasing competition from Samsung, Apple, and other rising Chinese brand phone companies, H company gradually loses the market share. Its shipment has fallen out of the global top 10 list since 2012 and its sales have been on the decline for more than two years.
Appears in Collections:Thesis