Title: 友訊科技營運國際化進程之研究
The Development Progression of Globalized Operation - a Case Study on D-Link Corporation
Authors: 陳向豪
Keywords: 國際化;進入策略;組織結構;通路;品牌;競爭策略;Globalization;Entry strategy;Organizational structure;Channel;Brand;Competitive strategy
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本研究針對友訊科技的國際化進程進行深入探討,以微觀各別國家與地區的發展歷程為方法,分析該公司如何從外銷導向的網通設備製造商轉變為在全世界70餘國設有160個行銷據點之跨國企業,內容包含各個國家市場的進入策略、自有品牌業務與代工業務分割的策略思維、已開發國家市場與開發中國家市場中通路策略之不同、以及建立D-Link品牌權益的方法等面向。 本研究發現,即便各個國家的國情不同,但友訊所採用的進入策略皆大同小異,而通路策略也與該進入策略相互呼應,有效率地將產品推送至市場;而由各地子公司所建構的跨國組織結構也與該公司高度本土化的管理方法有著密切關係,使得營運上的靈活度較競爭對手為優;重視口碑行銷而較少採用大眾傳播媒體的品牌打造策略為消費性電子產品廠商中較罕見的作法,但如此腳踏實地的模式卻幫該公司帶來相當正面的品牌形象。
This study focuses on the development progression of D-Link Corporation’s globalized operation since the inception of the enterprise. By means of respectively analyzing the progression of development in each country’s domestic markets that D-Link Corporation has penetrated, this research probes into how the company has transformed from exporting-oriented manufacturer to marketing-oriented firm that operates its own brand in more than 70 countries and has around 160 marketing strongholds around the world. The analysis includes: the penetration strategy utilized to enter differnet domestic markets, the separation of branding and OEM(original equipment manufacturing) businesses, the difference of channel strategy in developed and developing country markets, and the approach D-Link capitalizes on to establish brand equity. This study made several discoveries: the penetration strategy of different overseas markets tends to be similar, and the channel strategy is highly corresponding to the penetration strategy; the multinational organizational structure of D-Link Corporation reflects the decentralized status of global operation which is purposely designed to increase the flexibility of each subsidiaries; the emphasis on virus-marketing approach effectively helped build up the brand image of D-Link Corporation, while its competitors incline to utilize costly advertising activities through mass media.
Appears in Collections:Thesis