Title: 台灣無線區域網路產業競爭策略分析
The Analysis of Competitive Strategy of Taiwan Wireless LAN Industry -A Case Study of D-Link Corporation
Authors: 杜武岳
Wu-Yueh Tu
Dr. Chyan Yang
Keywords: 競爭策略;無線區域網路;個案研究;友訊科技;Competitive Strategy;Wireless LAN;Case Study;D-Link
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 依據2003年資策會全球無線網路產品出貨地統計資料顯示,全球已有近九成的無線網路產品是由台灣地區或台灣廠商製造並化身為不同品牌行銷全世界。 本研究透過專家訪談的研究方法,經由與無線網路上下游廠商、競爭廠商及友訊經營團隊之對話,並參酌產業研究單位之長期經驗,探討原區域網路領導廠商應採用何種策略切入無線區域網路產業。然後經由個案研究的方式,以友訊科技做為本研究的實證;透過友訊整體發展的歷史背景及相關競爭環境與策略的選擇之分析,了解為何友訊能在短期內成為無線網路出貨數量第一的廠商,並進一步確認友訊在無線區域網路產業的成功經驗。 本研究的成果,是希望將友訊如何掌握競爭環境及本身競爭力,分別針對本身產品製造的優勢擬定成本領導策略、整合長期技術優勢形成差異化策略、同時在市場耕耘上採用集中化策略等各種競爭策略並獲致成功的經驗供參考,供其它區域網路廠商跨足無線區域網路產業上取得關鍵性的市場地位之借鏡。
According to the report of MIC in 2003, more than 90% wireless LAN products are developed and manufactured by Taiwan companies, and shipped and sold globally with various of worldwide brands. In this thesis, indurstry experts from upstream and downstream vendors, competing companies and D-Link top management officers are first interviewed to identify how LAN leaders can use their advantages and set up their strategies to cut-in the new wireless LAN market. Then, a case study of D-Link is used to verify the effectiveness of these strategies since D-Link has become the No.1 WLAN provider in the world in few years. Finally, the successful strategy and competitve edge of D-Link are covered; including the cost leadership strategy based on its manufacturing advantage, the differentiation strategy developed from its leading technologies, and the focus strategy in its market penetration efforts. I hope this thesis will be a useful reference for those LAN leading companies that would like to enter wireless LAN market by following D-Link’s model.
Appears in Collections:Thesis