Title: 台灣電解電容業競爭策略分析—以L公司為例
An Analysis of Competitive Strategy of Taiwan
Authors: 陳麗鈴
Li-Lin Chen
Chyan Yang
Keywords: 競爭策略;電解電容產業;個案研究;競爭優勢;The Competitive Strategy;The Electrolytic Capacitor Industry;Case Study;Competitive Advantage
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 本研究透過專家訪談等研究方法,配合文獻探討,分析電解電容產業之現況,針對市場和競爭狀況進行分析,並透過個案研究的方式,以L公司作為本研究的實證;透過L公司整體發展的歷史背景,以及其相關競爭環境和策略的選擇作分析,以瞭解L公司的競爭優勢所在,並進一步確認其成功之關鍵因素。 本研究的成果,希望將L公司如何掌握競爭環境及本身競爭力,分別針對本身產品製造優勢擬定成策略,整合長期技術優勢以形成差異化策略,並同時在市場上採用集中化策略、行銷佈局以及全球運籌等各種競爭策略,而獲致成功的經驗以供參考,最後並提出電解電容產業未來發展的趨勢,以及台灣廠商的發展方向,以作為其他廠商在電解電容產業上取得關鍵性市場地位之借鏡。
This research will interview the experts and use literature review method to analyze the current status of electrolytic capacitor industry. Focusing on the market and competition, and using case study, this research will use L Corporation as evidence. L Corporation’s history, competitive environment, and its strategy will show their competitive advantage up. The successful strategy and competitive edge of L Corporation are covered; including the competitive competence based on its manufacturing advantage, differentiation strategy based on its implementation technology advantage, the focus strategy, global marketing, and global logistics in its market penetration efforts. Finally, the study describes the growth stream of the electrolytic capacitor industry in the future, and the developed direction of Taiwan corporation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis