Title: 臺灣重型機車零配件出口貿易經營競爭策略之案例研究─以L公司為例
The Competitive Strategies of Taiwan’s Motorcycle Spare Parts Exporting - A Case Study of L Company
Authors: 許瑞杉
Sheu, Ruey-Shan
Chen, An-Pin
Keywords: 個案研究;市場行銷理論;SWOT分析理論;Case Method;Marketing Theory;SWOT Analysis Theory
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 個案教學法亦稱案例教學法,是美國哈佛大學所大力推廣的教學方式,在這方面哈佛大學已獲有相當獨到的教學研究成果。近年來國內許多大學亦引進哈佛個案教學法,甚至部分大學還舉辦各種類型的個案比賽,以啟發學子思考分析的能力。然環視以中小企業為主的臺灣經營環境卻鮮少相關案例研究的提出。 所以本研究將以在臺灣北部之中小企業L公司為例,探討該公司在重型機車零配件出口貿易經營的競爭環境中,如何維持穩定性的成長與如何找出適合臺灣經營環境的策略以打造一個20年不敗的企業。同時本研究也將回顧企業自草創以來遵循的經營行為模式,以及其如何踏實經營以迄今日的成功。 此外近年來中國在經濟上的快速崛起,擠壓到許多產業之生存空間,在市場上又有紅色供應鏈之稱,故本研究亦希望能夠探討依照何種的經營模式,將能夠成功地抵抗紅色供應鏈之衝擊,以及如何能使企業永續的成長。被學界討論多年的市場行銷策略,在理論上有非常不錯的解釋與分析能力,故本研究也希望能以市場行銷策略之解釋分析,以實例佐證市場行銷策略之效力。最後亦期許本案例之研究能夠將職場上的實戰經驗,以論文的方式呈現,讓在校就讀的學弟妹們能有所啟發。
The case method is pioneered by Harvard Business School and has significant research result already. Recently more and more Taiwan’s universities adopt the case method practiced at Harvard Business School, and also hold case competition to help students develop the business skills. But most of cases are international, a very few cases are related to small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan. The study takes a case from L company, a small and medium-sized enterprise in Northern Taiwan. L company has established for over 20 years and is professional in the competitive strategies of Taiwan’s motorcycle spare parts exporting. The study learns from their successful business model to understand L company’s unique competitive advantage and develop the right business strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan. Rapid economic growth in China is the rising threat to industries in Taiwan. The purpose of the study is to identify suitable business model to compete with the so-called “red supply chain.” The study adopts famous marketing theory to analyze L company’s marketing strategy and state L company’s right development strategy. The study findings may serve as a case study of competitive strategies for all students in a class.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463030
Appears in Collections:Thesis