Title: 台灣汽車零組件業佈局中國大陸市場之經營策略
Strategy of Taiwan's auto parts enterprises in Mainland China
Authors: 李正珉
Lee, Cheng-Min
Huang, Jen-Hung
Keywords: 中國大陸市場;台灣汽車零組件;個案研究;經營策略;Mainland China;Taiwan's Auto Parts;Case Studies;Management Strategies
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 台灣汽車零組件產業已具備成熟的零件開發和製程能力,但由於受限於汽車整車廠的市場趨於飽和及加入WTO後所帶來的衝擊,汽車零組件廠商勢必要另闢疆土才能因應過剩的產能。在兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)法案實施後,受到關稅減免上的優惠,零組件廠商在全球市場的版圖佈局將有所轉變,也正可提供台灣汽車零組件業新的市場發展機會。 本研究以台灣汽車零組件產業為對象,中國大陸市場為研究範圍,從台灣汽車零組件業佈局中國大陸市場之經營策略探討,以勾勒出未來零組件產業佈局中國大陸市場之策略規劃模型,用以達到以下研究目的: 1.了解現行中國大陸汽車產業概況 2.藉由個案公司解析台灣汽車零組件產業佈局中國大陸市場之經營策略 3.ECFA法案實施後台灣產業可採行之營運模式 4.汽車零組件廠商佈局中國大陸市場之經營策略模式形成 本研究就兩家台灣汽車零組件龍頭廠商進行個案研究分析,藉由實務發展與相關理論相互驗證,並透過市場進入策略分析、競爭優勢與價值鏈分析、SWOT分析等理論模型,探討個案公司佈局中國市場之經營策略,並由研究所得之結果:先期投資,眼光精準具遠見、正確的策略定位、塑造核心競爭力,了解個案公司在產業成功的關鍵因素,以利其他企業或後進者在研擬市場進入時參考之用。 關鍵字:中國大陸市場、台灣汽車零組件、個案研究、經營策略
Taiwan automotive component suppliers have prime competences in development and manufacturing; however, the suppliers have to transform the business operation to resolve the overflow issues regarding to OE industry is overload and suffer the impact from participated in WTO. After the Economic Co-operation Framework Agreement (ECFA) takes effect, Taiwan automotive component suppliers will enjoy tariffs reduced or removed which provide great opportunities to extend their territories in the global market. This study is based on Taiwan automotive component industry and targeting at Mainland China as a research scope. To discuss business management strategies of Taiwan automotive component suppliers penetrate into China market and draw out the strategy planning models. This study will hopefully succeed in treating the following research objectives: 1. To understand the general situation in China automotive market. 2. Using case studies to analyze the positioning and management strategies in Mainland China for Taiwan automotive component industry. 3. Application of Operation models for Taiwan industry after ECFA takes effect. 4.Forming of management strategy models in positioning China for Taiwan automotive suppliers. This study applies case studies of two leading Taiwan automotive component manufacturers and verified by using the practice development and the relevant theories. To probe into the management strategy of the case companies for entering china market, market entrance strategy, competitive advantage, value chain and SWOT are conducted in the study. Hopefully by understanding the case company’s entrance model, management strategy forming and implementation of present situation will find out the problems for the organization proceeding strategies adjustment and future improvement. This study can be a consultation for the enterprises which plan to enter this market. Keywords:Mainland China、Taiwan’s Auto Parts、Case Studies、Management Strategies
Appears in Collections:Thesis