Title: 中小企業的經營策略-以K公司為例
The Business and Management Strategy of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises─ A Case Study of K Company
Authors: 譚中興
Keywords: 中小企業;經營策略;個案研究;SMEs;business and management strategy;case study
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 中小企業是穩定台灣經濟並促使台灣經濟發展的重要推手,長久以來,中小企業佔台灣企業總數約95%,而提供之就業機會也佔全台灣總就業機會之80%;而由於這些中小企業家數眾多、且規模亦不似大企業一般巨大,是以在面對一次又一次的全球性經濟危機時,展現有極大的彈性與反映能力,也使得台灣經濟不致遭受其他國家一般之巨大衝擊,由上述,足見中小企業在台灣市場中之影響力。本研究的主要目的在於藉由文獻探討,了解台灣之中小企業在台灣市場扮演之角色、以及影響其決策、成長與轉型之因素;爾後透過專家訪談,以個案公司K公司為例,從與專家對談的內容中整理台灣中小企業營運狀況與商業模式,最後試圖歸納出個案K公司之經營策略,以供後續研究或商業人士之參考。
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are those who help to stabilize the economy environment of Taiwan and make the economy of Taiwan well developed. For decades, SMEs have provided 80% of the job and career opportunities in Taiwan. Besides, Over 95 % of the enterprises in Taiwan are SMEs. Furthermore, it is the flexibility and mobility of the SMEs in Taiwan that saved Taiwan from serious damage during the past few global economic and financial crises. These are the reasons why the SMEs are so important to Taiwan’s market. A case company, k, then is selected as a subject for conducting case as an integral part of this research. By interviewing the managers in the company, it is examined from its start-up tactics, development strategies, and competitive strategies. Through the conclusions drawn from such strategies of the company and the interviews with field experts, this research aims to explore future strategies of the SMEs and also their potential business models.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463031
Appears in Collections:Thesis