Title: 中小型內銷鞋業面對市場變革之因應策略 -以D公司為例
A Domestic Shoes Company D’s Strategy in a Changing Market
Authors: 曾振榮
Chen, An-Pin
Keywords: 中小企業;鞋類批發商;鞋類零售商;產業競爭力;SMEs;Shoes Wholesaler;Shoes Retailer;Industry Competitive
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 在全球經濟發展日益競爭的趨勢下,中小型企業一向是扮演臺灣經濟發展的關鍵角色,而如今中小企業面對國內艱困的經營環境,市場日趨複雜與變化,如何解決這些市場快速變遷所衍生的問題與挑戰,做出各種策略性的抉擇,以擺脫經營困境,增加競爭力,維持企業優勢,確保公司之永續發展,已是臺灣中小企業普遍面臨的迫切問題。
In a growing economic competition, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) always have been an important part of economic development. However, SMEs are facing a complicated and changing market environment. What strategies and options can let SMEs break away from this business difficulties, to increase company competitive capability and sustainable development are general problems SMEs faced.
SMEs account for 97.8 percent of enterprises in Taiwan, among them 53 percent are retail and wholesale. Therefore, in this study we analysis and discussion difficulties and challenges company D, a shoes wholesaler and retailer faced, since its inception 20 years ago. We will exam the turning points and strategies in every stage that the company faced. Through this case study will provide management more idea and value to increasing company industry competitive.
Appears in Collections:Thesis