標題: 台灣汽車電子廠商佈局大陸策略之個案研究
Case Study of Configuration Strategy of Taiwan’s Autotronics Company into Mainland China Market
作者: 黃偉皓
Huang, Wei-Hao
Yuan, Benjamin J.C.
關鍵字: 汽車電子;車用電子;大陸市場;專家訪談;Autotronics;telematics;Mainland China market;expert interview
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 面對全球汽車產業結構重整、中國汽車產業逐漸成熟以及大陸官方環保意識抬頭等趨勢下,台灣汽車電子廠商進入大陸佈局已經是必然的趨勢。在利多政策刺激以及內需市場的推動下,大陸汽車電子產業發展迅速,且根據Strategy Analytics 研究指出,2004 年全球汽車電子市場規模約1,225 億美元,2008 年將成長至1,580 億美元,2012年將更達到1,800億美元的高峰。除此之外,IC Insights 預測2010 年車用電子的搭載比例將成長至40%。台灣的汽車電子廠商,如何在這樣的時空背景下,透過策略佈局的模式將電子零組件系統產品輸出大陸,則是本研究的目的。希望在變動的競爭環境下,透過佈局策略之研討,幫助台灣汽車電子廠商找到未來的出路。 首先,本研究藉由汽車電子相關產業次級資料的蒐集,建立完整的汽車電子市場概況與發展趨勢,以作為產業分析之基礎。之後透過個案研討與分析找出台灣汽車電子廠商佈局策略輸出大陸的關鍵因素。接下來,透過專家訪談來共同研擬台灣的相關廠商在面對現在的競爭環境下可能採行的策略,以作為台灣汽車電子廠商未來進入大陸市場佈局之策略參考依據。
According to the tendency of global car’s industry restructure, Mainland China’s mature market and the rising environmental consciousness of the government, Taiwan’s autotronics firms use strategy for Mainland China’s market is the only way to the future. Due to the motivations of beneficial policy and the internal demand in Mainland China, the car electronics industry has fast growth and development. Through the statistical data of Strategy Analytics, the global demand of autotronics is expected to be grown from US$ 122 billion in 2004 to US$ 158 billion in2008, even to US$ 180billion in 2012. Besides, based on IC Insights forecast report, over 40% of new vehicles will be equipped with telematics in 2010. How can Taiwan’s autotronics company do in such situations? Through the case study analysis and the way of Configuration Strategy to export Taiwan’s automotive electronics module into Mainland China Market is the intention of the study. We hope we can find the solution to the future of Taiwan’s autotronics company in the dynamic competitive environment. The first step of the study is to collect preliminary data of autotronics industry. The complete industry analysis, market profile and development tendency of the car electronics were based on that. After that, through the case study of Taiwan’s autotronics company, we find out the key factors of Configuration Strategy into Mainland China Market. Then we use the method of expert interview to find some solution and available strategy for the competitive environment facing by Taiwan’s car electronics firms to be the reference into Mainland China Market in the future.