Title: 台灣無線區域網路IC設計公司關鍵成功因素之研究-以A公司為例
The Key Success Factors Study of WLAN IC Design House in Taiwan – The Case Study of Company A
Authors: 洪乃權
Nai-Chuan Hung
Dr. Chyan Yang
Keywords: 關鍵成功因素;無線區域網路;個案研究;競爭優勢;Key Success Factors;Wireless LAN;Case Study;Competitive Advantag
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 根據2002年IC Insights的統計資料顯示,台灣的IC設計公司已經有兩家擠進全球十大IC設計公司之列。台灣的IC設計產業在全球佔有一席之地,要歸功於台灣已經掌握全球個人電腦產業及消費性電子系統產品之設計與製造。因此以產品別來看,台灣目前最具競爭力的IC設計公司大多數還是集中在個人電腦及相關的周邊或是消費性電子領域。
According to IC Insights’ report in 2002, two companies from Taiwan were ranked in the top ten integrated circuits (IC) design houses in the world. The reason why Taiwanese IC design industry has attained an important position in the worldwide IC market resulted from Taiwan’s market domination in OEM and ODM of PC and consumer electronics system products. Therefor, in terms of product claasification, most competitive IC design houses in Taiwan have still been focused on PC peripherals and consumer electronics segments.
Yet according to the report from MIC in 2002,Taiwan has became the largest manufacturing base of Wiless Local Area Networks (WLAN) products; over 70% of the WLAN products were designed and manufactured by Taiwanees vendors. However, the key componets of WLAN – the WLAN IC, was still dominated by foreign companies.
For Taiwanese IC design houses, whether they can take leading position in WLAN IC or not, just like what they have achieved in PC and consumer electronics industry, is an interesting and important topic to study.
In this thesis, some indurstry experts are first interviewed to identify the Key Success Factors (KSFs) of WLAN IC design house. Then, a case study of Company A is used to verify the effectiveness of these KSFs. Finally, the successful strategy and competitve edge of Taiwanese WLAN IC deisgn industry are covered. I hope this thesis will be a useful reference for those companies that would like to enter this product segments.
Appears in Collections:Thesis