Title: 傳統產業大陸投資策略個案研究 – 正新輪胎公司
A Case Study About The Investment Strategy of Traditional Industry In Mainland China --- Cheng Shin Rubber Inc.
Authors: 林玉如
Yuh-Ru Lin
Po-Young Chu
Keywords: 大陸投資;新興市場;進入策略;國際化;Mainland China;Energent market;Entry strategy;Globalization
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 台灣傳統產業受到國內土地、勞力成本上漲,加上勞工短缺與環保意識日漸抬頭之影響而經營日益困難,適逢大陸經濟改革開放外資進入,吸引許多國內廠商赴大陸新興市場投資。國內傳統產業赴大陸投資者眾多,但投資績效有好有壞。本研究探討傳統產業中大陸投資策略成功個案,以正新輪胎公司為研究對象,從產業面及策略面分析其成功的因素。研究結果顯示,在產業面部分,隨著經濟成長及交通建設的影響,大陸運輸工具市場逐漸成長帶動各種大小型輪胎的需求,使得輪胎市場潛力無限。在策略構面部分,本研究從進入方式、進入時點及設廠位置三個構面分析其投資策略,正新公司採取獨資方式管理容易,且進入時點為該產業中最早因而享有各式投資優惠與市場、通路上之先進入者優勢,此外,在設廠地點上分北中南三地佈局,降低運輸成本並就近與汽車大廠合作,此三個向度上的優勢配合晚近大陸輪胎產業的蓬勃發展使正新公司大陸投資策略非常成功,進而對台灣母廠有所挹注更顯現出大陸投資績效,同時亦表示國際化模式為傳統產業可行的成長策略。企業領導者要有前瞻遠見,才能掌握契機引領企業邁向成長之路,若進行海外投資時,必須審慎考量投資策略中三個主要的構面,並與企業本身的發展方向與核心能力,及整體產業環境發展狀況契合,唯有兩者相輔相成才能確保策略之成功。
Since the costs of land and labor rise, companies of traditional industry in Taiwan have operated with more difficulties than before. Many of them started investing in mainland China when China opened the door. Few of these companies have succeeded but most failed. Cheng Shin Rubber Inc. is the earliest investor of Taiwan tire manufactures in China and operates extremely successfully. In this paper, we attempt to explore why Cheng-Shin can succeed. First we find that all domestic Chinese tire manufactures are not very competitive. However, with developing economics and transportation infrastructure, the demands of tires increased dramatically in recent year. Secondly, from the perspectives of entering mode, investing timing, and location, Cheng-Shin has gained competitive advantages because it has adopted the wholly-owned business operation, perfect timing and right places to build plants. The outstanding performance of direct investment in China has not only enabled Cheng-Shin to cut down manufacturing cost but also to demonstrate an innovative globalization strategy via successfully levering emergent market opportunities for traditional industries.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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