標題: 應用在短距離網路的特種光纖研究與開發
Research and Development of Special Optical Fiber for Short-Reach Networks
作者: 蘇宏權
Su, Hong-Quan
Chow, Chi-Wai
關鍵字: 大口徑多模光纖;光通訊系統;方核單模光纖;large-core multimode fiber;optical communication system;square core single mode fiber
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 由於家用電子產品以及雲端資料中心伺服器間之短距離網路傳輸速率需求的提升,在高頻信號下,傳統銅線具有較高的傳輸損耗以及電磁干擾效應,使其無法滿足未來高頻寬之需求。然而光纖傳輸並無上述之缺點,因此本論文將提出新型光纖應用於家用電子產品中,並且與卓越光纖經由產學合作計畫,提出應用於個人化電子產品的兩種解決方法。 第一種解決方案是我們將研製出80μm-大口徑多模光纖,此光纖包含GGP技術與Double Clading技術進而提升其機械強度、抗彎曲光損耗性質及較佳的偶光特性,經由實驗證實在短距離傳輸系統中此光纖能達到10 Gb/s OOK之傳輸速率。第二種方案是我們將研製出單模方核光纖,提升傳輸距離以及傳輸速率有望再提升,經由實驗證實此方核光纖與傳統單模光纖相比,具有較佳的抗彎曲光損耗特性,並且達到10 Gb/s OOK之傳輸速率。
The transmission bandwidth is increasing rapidly in different short-reach networks, such as in data-center networks or transmission among different consumer electronic products. Due to issues of high transmission loss, electromagnetic interference, and limited bandwidth-distance product of the present copper-based electrical cables, they may not provide the bandwidth required for future high-capacity applications. Hence, optical fiber particularly for short-reach applications is desired. In this thesis, we proposed two solutions for optical fiber used in the short-reach networks. The first solution, we developed a 80μm large-core multimode fiber which contains GGP(Glass–Glass–Polymer) and Double Clading technology. Hence, its mechanical strength, properties of low bending loss and coupling properties have enhanced. Another solution, we proposed a square core single mode fiber. It has lower bending loss properties than standard single mode fiber and longer transmission distance compare with multimode fiber. Hopefully it can improve data capacity. We experimentally demonstrated two types of fiber which can achieve error-free in 10 Gb/s data rate and short-distance transmission.
Appears in Collections:Thesis