標題: 從ECFA到服貿協議對於國內精密機械業的影響及相關經濟法律議題研究
The Analysis on the Influence of Taiwan Precision Machinery Industry and related Economic Law after Signing ECFA to Agreement on Trade in Services
作者: 彭慎翔
Peng, Shen-Hsinag
Wang, Wen-Chieh
Chung, Hui Min
關鍵字: 兩岸經濟合作架構協議;服貿協議;精密機械產業;ECFA;Agreement on Trade in Services;Precision Machinery Industry
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 兩岸服務貿易協定的紛擾,癱瘓國會的運作長達21天,反服貿及反反服貿變成一個敏感的話題,雖說國內高科技產業在台積電董事長張忠謀博士的演說中是不受影響的族群,但從經濟部兩岸洽簽服務貿易協議對我總體經濟及產業之影響評估中除了調降約當關稅對於國內GDP成長的有限助益(0.025%~0.034%),卻看到了對於經濟安全、人才流動、社會觀感、等等無法量化的衝擊憂慮,面對大陸這個最大的貿易夥伴及出超國後,就奠定兩岸經濟密不可分的關係,然在兩岸特殊之政治地位條件下面對大陸廣大市場及全球化自由貿易之風潮,兩岸在加入世界貿易組織(WTO)後,依其精神簽定兩岸經濟合作架構協議(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,以下簡稱ECFA),簽訂的早收清單(對台讓利)、接續而來的海峽兩岸投資保障和促進協議、海峽兩岸海關合作協議都是解決4萬間台商企業總投資額超過800億美金在大陸所面臨的問題,然對於在台企業獲利及出超值在ECFA簽訂後,完全比不上2008和2010年的出超量。這顯示台灣在原本引以為傲的工業生產出口的附加價值逐漸喪失及中國大陸的生產水準、品質在台商加入大陸生產製造後逐漸迎頭趕上,也因此提升產業競爭力及產業升級變得迫在眉睫。除此之外,服貿協定進一步開放陸資來台經營相關技術服務業、並同時開放大陸白領及技術專家來台在其跨國企業從事服務,對台灣來說只能不斷的自我提升來面對接下來的機會與挑戰。 本文從ECFA法律層面出發,探究兩岸協議的法律精神,再者從經濟面的角度,藉由最適合台灣產業群聚效應分析的鑽石模型及產業結構模型來探討精密機械產業競爭力,藉由直接競爭產業、到寡占產業中挑選了工具機、自動化設備及半導體光電製程設備的兩岸現況來分析;中部的工具機聚落的演變,從早期進口日、德的生產機具到自行研發設計,成為工具機的出口國,然產業世代交迭中國崛起,台灣優勢漸失;例如以自動化機器人說來,中國大陸僅次於日本已經成為台灣第二大的進口國。台灣藉由PC世代跨入半導體及LCD面板、LED、太陽能模組製造及移動式裝置建立起台灣的電子及週邊產業,其中精密機械的投資金額佔所有資本支出為大宗,尤以半導體製程設備投資金額為大宗,但多年來設備技術及研發動能皆掌握在歐美日等世界設備大廠;即便在政府政策引導世界大廠來台在地化生產或是設立研發中心,在人才及基礎工業供應鏈上不足的狀況下,發展遲緩,但對於日商來說藉由ECFA架構下以台灣做為輸出大陸的跳板,避免大陸法律執行上不週延的疑慮或是歷史民族情結的問題,這種種的背景也為台灣的精密機械業帶來生機及產業升級的活水。然而面對已開發國家的高失業率,台灣政府在面對經濟成長趨緩逐漸步入已開發國家後塵也是絞盡腦汁,但投入產學合作的經費在缺乏國際人才及國際資金的帶動下,多流於形式並無法真正創造價值,對於許多政策的執行也因朝野無共識無法執行,但中國大陸的政經威脅從不間斷,所以ECFA&服貿協定是台灣政府迫於現狀所選擇的一步險棋,然其相關配套措施並不周延,而造成法律議題將被政治議題所凌駕,而政治議題將被經濟議題所凌駕,也因此對於相關的法律及經濟議題探討後並結合產業及政治現況做為研究的專題,給予建議及結論。
Trouble of strait trade agreements in services, stops parliament works up to 21 days already, anti- trade and anti-anti- trade becomes a sensitive topic. Although the domestic high-tech industries are unaffected groups stated by Dr. Morris Chang, TSMC chairman. From the report of Ministry of Economy, that agreement on trade in Services affects equivalent of the limited with GDP growth (0.025 % - 0.034%), but economic security, talent mobility, social perception are foreseen with impossibly quantify impact of anxiety. Even though, facing the largest trading partner and major surplus country, the cross-strait economic relations are inseparable. However, the special political status, largest global consuming market and wave of globalization of free trade, makes special relationships of two sides after joining the World Trade Organization (WTO). Following the WTO spirit, signs cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreement (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, hereinafter referred to as ECFA), items of early enjoyment (especial favor Taiwan), cross-strait investment protection and promotion agreements , customs cooperation agreements are included, for problem solving of over forty thousand Taiwanese enterprises with over 80 billion U.S. dollars in the mainland are facing . However, the profits of Taiwan domestic corporate doesn’t excess compared to Y2008 and Y2010 after ECFA is signed. This shows the added value of Taiwan industrial product becomes fewer and China’s production levels, manufacturing quality gradually catches up even under ECFA’s cooperation. Hence, enhancement of industrial competitiveness and industrial upgrading becomes imminent. In addition, the service trade agreement will further open the mainland investment in Taiwan -related technical services operations, more white-collar workers and technical experts from mainland to Taiwan offers services in the multinational companies. For Taiwan, only way is to constant self-improvement to face the next opportunity and challenge. In this paper, starts from the ECFA legal level to explore the spirit of the law of the agreement. Moreover, from the perspective of economic level, follows the most appropriate analysis model, diamond model and industrial structure model to analyze Taiwan's industrial cluster of mechanical precision industrial competitiveness. By direct competition to oligopoly industries, selects machine tool , automation equipment and semiconductor photovoltaic manufacturing equipment to analyze ; Evolution of machine tools settlements in middle of Taiwan, from the early imports of Japanese, German production equipment to develop their own design , becomes a tool exporter of machine . Then, the rise of Chinese industry for generations overlap, Taiwan advantage is losing. Such as automated robots, the Mainland Chinese has become second-largest importer of Taiwan behind Japanese. By PC generation, semiconductors and LCD panels, LED, solar module manufacturers and mobile devices establish Taiwan's electronics and peripheral industries. The amount of investment in precision machinery is the bulk of all capital expenditures, particularly in the semiconductor manufacturing process equipment investment. But over the years, key technology and R&D facilities are controlled by European, American and Japanese equipment manufacturers. Even government policy leads local manufacturing of imported equipments or set up R & D centers, the personnel and basic industries in the supply chain under the inadequate conditions makes the development delay. But, under the ECFA framework, Japanese put Taiwan as a springboard, to avoid the enforcement concerns of law or undistributed national complex history in Mainland China. The background also brings vitality and industrial upgrading opportunity for precision machinery industry in Taiwan. However, faced with high unemployment rate in developed countries, Taiwan government also struggles in the face of slowing economic growth and follow the steps of developed countries gradually. Meanwhile, the investment funds industry-university collaboration is lack of international talent and international funds can’t really create value. Many policies of the government can’t be executed because no consensus with opposition department. But the political and economic threat from mainland China uninterrupted , so ECFA & clothing trade agreement is a risk and forces selected step of Taiwan government, however, its related measures are not comprehensive, and the resulting legal issues will be overridden by political issues , political will be overridden by economic issues. Hence, to investigate the legal and economic issues associated with industry as a reach subject gives advice and conclusions