Title: 台灣微電影風潮對台灣電影之票房與導演的影響
A wave of micro-movie impact on movie box office and director in Taiwan
Authors: 吳硯之
Wu, Yen-Chih
Tseng, Fang-Tai
Keywords: 電影;微電影;國片;票房;導演;文化創意;micro-movie;movie box office
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 隨著世界的潮流與趨勢,台灣近年來也開始逐漸重視文化創意產業的發展。據行政院經濟建設委員會說明:「因應未來節能減碳、人口老化、創意經濟興起等世界趨勢,政府選定生物科技、綠色能源、精緻農業、觀光旅遊、醫療照護以及文化創意此六大產業為發展重心」,由此可知文化創意將為六大新興產業之一。


With the trend of the world, Taiwan in recent years have begun to attach importance to the development of cultural and creative industries. According to the Council for Economic Planning instructions, cultural and creative industries will be one of six emerging industries.

In the cultural and creative industries, the film industry for its high level of industrial extension features are considered hidden unlimited business opportunities and added value of flagship industries. To encourage domestic film industry, the Government Information Office for the movie industry to provide more counseling and incentives, hoping to boost the domestic film industry.

The word "micro-movie" is also quietly became popular in Chinese communities. Micro-film to fully test the market acceptance, reduce marketing costs and launch commercial movie box office pressure, compared to the direct introduction of commercial movies may afford the loss of such spending is still quite a bargain. The popularity micro-movie had a positive influence on the movie box office, film director also produced micro-film to enhance personal awareness.
Appears in Collections:Thesis