標題: 以文化接近性的觀點檢視兩岸三地合製電影中的文化價值觀
Using the Cultural Proximity Perspective to Examine the Cultural Values Existing in the Co-Produced Movies by Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
作者: 洪嘉鴻
關鍵字: 合製電影;文化接近性;文化價值觀;Co-produced movies;Cultural values;Cultural proximity
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 合製電影在現今華語電影市場中,所占有的地位越來越重要,其挾著相對於過去龐大的資金,以及合作的技術優勢,乍看之下是兩岸三地電影產業的大補丸,然而,這些大製作的電影,卻似乎不總是在三個地區都分別票房表現優異。對此,本研究以「文化接近性」理論為出發點,以中國傳統價值觀所設計的量表,分別檢視中國大陸與香港地區合製電影以及中國大陸與台灣地區合製電影中,文化價值觀的出現情形,並試圖探究兩岸三地閱聽眾皆喜好的文化價值觀以及各地閱聽眾各自偏好的文化價值觀。 研究結果顯示,香港閱聽眾偏好「安分守己」與「愛情的性別角色」;台灣閱聽眾偏好「家族和諧」、「對愛情的態度」以及「回頭是岸」;中國大陸偏好「樂觀進取」、「金錢價值觀」與「追求理想」。而「處世之道」價值觀是兩岸三地通吃的價值觀。而在文類部分,本研究發現兩岸三地合製電影會因為製片地區的不同而有著不同的電影文類偏好。
Co-produced movies either by Hong Kong and Mainland China or by Taiwan and Mainland China have become prevalent due to the huge profits existing in the Great China market. However, there still exist cultural differences among the three areas, Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Therefore, co-produced movies do not always achieve their expected profits. Adopting the cultural proximity perspective, this study investigated the relationships between Chinese cultural values and box office receipts by co-produced movies in the three areas. Based on box office receipts, this study purposely selected 50 co-produced movies by Mainland China and Hong Kong and 17 co-produced movies by Mainland China and Taiwan. This study adopted the method of content analysis to examine Chinese cultural values existing in these movies. The data from content analysis were used to investigate how cultural values were associated with box office receipts in the three areas. The data analysis shows that the preferred Chinese cultural values differed significantly in the three areas and more detailed findings were discussed in the thesis.