標題: 韓劇風潮及韓劇文化價值觀之相關性研究:從文化接近性談起
An Examination on the Relationship between the Popular Korean Dramas and Their Cultural Values: A Cultural Proximity Perspective
作者: 蔡佳玲
Chia-Ling Tsai
Shu-Chu Li, Ph.D
關鍵字: 韓劇;文化接近性;文化價值觀;本土化策略;Korean TV drama;cultural proximity;cultural values;localization
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本研究援引文化接近性理論作為依據,探討韓劇在台灣形成風潮之原因。本研究採用內容分析法、深度訪談法以及次級資料分析法進行分析,最後分析韓劇18部共350集,以及訪談台視、八大、緯來及衛視中文台四家頻道業者。研究發現,在台灣收視亮眼的韓劇皆呈現出顯著的家庭價值觀、愛情價值觀,尤其推崇以下對上「興盛家道」、「遵從父母」、「男尊女卑」、「男女授受不親」之家庭觀,「愛是犧牲奉獻」之愛情觀,以及「寬他嚴己」與「輪迴報應」之社會觀。相對地,在韓國收視較佳的韓劇則較常出現「自顧己身」之個人觀並較少出現「親疏有別」之社會觀,顯示台韓兩地所推崇之文化價值觀有其程度上落差。而本土頻道業者則在輸入過程中扮演連結調整角色,其採用兩大本土化策略,一為內容去地化,即依觀眾之收視品味與偏好來選擇外來節目,並剔除文化距離較遠的外來節目;二為形式去地化,採用翻譯配字幕、配音、製作引介小單元、舉辦宣傳行銷活動等本土化策略,以調節外來節目內容與形式來符合國人品味與需求。
Based on the cultural proximity theory, this study tried to explore the reasons that Korean dramas are popular in Taiwan. Three methods, content analysis, intensive interview on channel managers, and secondary data analysis, were adopted to collect data for the study. This study purposely selected 18 Korean Dramas that were showed in Taiwan as the study sample for content analysis, and classified these dramas into two types, (1) those that were popular in Taiwan, and (2) those that were popular in South Korea. The data analysis shows that the values emphasized in the two types of Korean Dramas were significantly different from each other, which is congruent with the assumptions of the cultural proximity theory. Furthermore, the intensive interviews discovered that the channel managers of Korean Dramas in Taiwan adopted several strategies to make Korean dramas more compatible with Taiwan’s cultures so as to assure their popularity in Taiwan. More detailed findings were discussed in the thesis. Keywords:Korean TV drama, cultural proximity, cultural values, localization.


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