標題: 新竹縣國中推動學生生涯輔導紀錄手冊之滿意度研究
A Study of Career Counselling Manual for Junior High Schools in Hsinchu County
作者: 黃怡潔
關鍵字: 生涯發展教育;生涯輔導記錄手冊;development of the career development l;career counselling manua
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究目的在於探討新竹縣國中九年級學生在使用學生生涯輔導紀錄手冊之成效以及滿意度情形。藉由文獻探討建構出研究工具「新竹縣國中推動學生生涯輔導紀錄手冊之滿意度調查問卷」,以了解新竹縣九年級學生在使用手冊之完成度以及滿意度。 本研究之研究結果如下: 1. 新竹縣國中九年級學生對於使用學生生涯輔導紀錄手冊之完成情況良好 2. 新竹縣國中九年級學生在使用學生生涯輔導紀錄手冊感到滿意 3. 不同性別學生對於學生生涯輔導手冊之完成度、滿意度未達到顯著差異 4. 不同學校規模對於生涯輔導手冊之學生完成度、滿意度未達到顯著差異 5. 是否參加技藝班對於生涯輔導手冊之學生完成度、滿意度未達到顯著差異 6. 手冊主責教師對於生涯輔導手冊之學生完成度未達到顯著差異,但對於手 冊對自我概念形成之滿意度達到顯著差異 7. 未來升學進路對於生涯輔導手冊之學生滿意度未達顯著差異,但對於手冊 完成度達到顯著差異
The study aims to investigate the effectiveness of Hsinchu County ninth-grade students in the use of the career counselling manual satisfaction situations. Through the literature to construct a research tool, "Hsinchu County in promoting students' career guidance manual record satisfaction questionnaire" in order to find out the Hsinchu County ninth-grade students to complete the and satisfaction. The results of this study are as follows: 1 The ninth-grade students in Hsinchu County complete the career counselling manual is fine. 2 The ninth-grade students in Hsinchu County using satisfaction of the career counselling manual is fine. 3 The students of different gender to complete the career counselling manual satisfaction did not significant. 4 The different schools for the career counselling manual scale completion, satisfaction did not significant. 5 The students selecting skill education courses for the students to completet the career counselling manual, satisfaction did not significant. 6 Manual primary responsibility of teachers to complete the career counselling manual is not significant difference, but for the satisfaction of self-concept is significant. 7 Enter the way to plan in the future of the career counselling manual for student satisfaction did not significant, but for complete the career counselling manual is significant .


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