標題: 統包工程設計階段履約爭議探討--以鐵路工程為例
A Discussion of Contract Disputes in the Design Phase of Design-Build Project-A Case of Railway Project
作者: 林義隆
Lin, Yi-Lung
Huang, Shyh-Chang
關鍵字: 統包工程、履約爭議、設計階段、擬制變更;Design-Build Projects、Contract Dispute、Design Phase、Constructive Change
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 近年來新興案件如統包工程變更設計爭議大幅增加,惟國內文獻對統包工程設計階段爭議問題研議者仍少,乃觸發本研究之動機。本論文分別以需求變更、誠實信用原則、擬制(情事)變更原則、契約解釋之爭議等為討論主要架構,並以鐵路統包實務專案為例作探討分析。本研究認為既有定型化契約不能完全處理統包工程設計施工階段爭議問題,若業主與統包商於工程執行中皆有擬制變更的素養及觀念,以擬制變更角度來協調及處置爭議,實不失為雙方解套且合乎公平的好方法。
In recent years, the disputes of design changes of design-build projects increased significantly, but the literature on studying these dispute problems was still little. In this study, the demand for change, the principle of good faith, the principle of constructive change, and the dispute of contract interpretation are constructed as the main framework for discussion. Also, a turnkey rail project is analyzed and discussed as an example. This study showed that the standard contract can not fully handle the contract disputes in the design and construction phase of design-build projects. If the owners and contractors can try to coordinate and deal with disputes by the principle of constructive change, it might make both sides solving the disputes more fair.
Appears in Collections:Thesis