Title: | LTE模組外包廠商遴選模式之建立 Using AHP to Evaluate the Key Factors for the Selection of LTE Modules’ Vendors |
Authors: | 陳友松 Chen, Yu-Sung 姜齊 Chiang, Chi 管理學院管理科學學程 |
Keywords: | 外包;遴選模式;層級分析法;Outsourcing;Vendor Selection;Analytic Hierarchy Process |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 現今網路的應用已經成為一種基礎建設,新的應用不斷產生,資本市場也持續專注在新網路技術的應用,除了固定網路外,行動網路相關的領域正準備投入到大量的資本,其新一代主流的應用將建立在LTE(Long-Term Evolution)的技術上,企業也準備在新一波網路革命上大力布局,而現在企業皆以專業分工來加強競爭力,並透過合縱連橫與垂直及水平分工的方式,企業藉由策略聯盟佈建完成的供應鏈,企圖建立高技術門檻,讓競爭對手無法匹敵,故企業在增強自我的核心能力,越來越注重的是外包廠商的遴選,企業應首重遴選的方式,才能將企業本身優缺點有所整合,並符合LTE產業的競爭力的方向。
在網路終端產品上對於LTE模組之應用越趨廣泛,在LTE晶片設計出來後模組業者設計出可以給終端產品直接使用的解決方案,本研究主要專注在LTE模組企業藉由外包廠商生產之方式,而希望建立給企業在遴選外包廠商之模式讓企業可以找出遴選外包廠商核心之重要性,本研究透過文獻資料收集及與專家之訪談建立LTE模組外包廠商之遴選準則之層級架構,再採用AHP層級分析法將蒐集之資訊進行研究分析,評估LTE模組外包廠商之遴選模式中各準則之重要性及其所佔之權重,讓企業在面對產業之變遷及競爭下,可以再評估外包廠商時,所需擬定之策略。研究共列出四大構面,「成本」、「品質」、「管理」、「技術」,及18項準則。而在本研究中有五項準則「產品價格」、「製程水準」、「可靠度」、「成本改善能力」、「產能」在評比上最為重要,期以本研究結果,讓企業在遴選外包廠商以及外包廠商在投注資源上,皆能有其參考意義,未來能在LTE產業皆能提升其競爭力,在新網路LTE世代佔有重要地位。 The network communications market is getting larger and new applications are increasing. New network technology, LTE (Long-Term Evolution) is a standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data terminals. The LTE module solution is a critical choice for the companies which provide network and communication final products. The most effective way to provide the most competitive modules without large investment is to choose a reliable vendor. This research is for companies to evaluate the key factors for vendor selection, especially for LTE modules on network communications industry. To manage outsourcing in order to stay competitive in network communication market, the companies must focus on their core values and invest much part of resource. This study is to evaluate the key factors of vendor selection through literature and interviews with experts, then using AHP to study the collection data. Finally we build a model with four dimensions as Cost, Quality, Management and Technology. And the most important five factors are Product Price, Process Capability, Reliability, Cost Improve Capability and Capacity. We also build the model by the weight of factors to assist companies to make decision of vendor selection. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/74777 |
Appears in Collections: | 畢業論文 |