DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorThompson, Austin Richarden_US
dc.contributor.authorKang, Jin-Suen_US
dc.description.abstractThe present study seeks to test the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the podcasting industry. Among customer satisfaction models, the exchange outcome satisfaction model (information satisfaction, social exchange satisfaction and recreation satisfaction) modified for podcasts is used, and configural methods (fsQCA software) is used to test the proposition of whether exchange outcome satisfaction results in attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. The empirical data the student uses 1341 responses collected from the listenership of The Adam Carolla Show, one of the most popular podcasts in the United States. Overall, exchange outcome satisfaction (a combination of information satisfaction, social exchange satisfaction, and recreation satisfaction) was not more necessary or sufficient to result in either attitudinal loyalty or behavioral loyalty than was the combination of recreation satisfaction and information satisfaction together It was found that exchange outcome satisfaction is not any more necessary or sufficient to result in the presence of attitudinal loyalty or behavioral loyalty than the presence of either recreation satisfaction or information satisfaction alone. It was also found that the antecedents for behavioral loyalty and attitudinal loyalty are very similar, and thus the research proposition is not supported. Furthermore, demographic analyses show that, males with one dimension of exchange outcome satisfaction are highly likely to have both attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. Conversely, education level and age do not have a significant effect on loyalty.zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe present study seeks to test the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the podcasting industry. Among customer satisfaction models, the exchange outcome satisfaction model (information satisfaction, social exchange satisfaction and recreation satisfaction) modified for podcasts is used, and configural methods (fsQCA software) is used to test the proposition of whether exchange outcome satisfaction results in attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. The empirical data the student uses 1341 responses collected from the listenership of The Adam Carolla Show, one of the most popular podcasts in the United States. Overall, exchange outcome satisfaction (a combination of information satisfaction, social exchange satisfaction, and recreation satisfaction) was not more necessary or sufficient to result in either attitudinal loyalty or behavioral loyalty than was the combination of recreation satisfaction and information satisfaction together It was found that exchange outcome satisfaction is not any more necessary or sufficient to result in the presence of attitudinal loyalty or behavioral loyalty than the presence of either recreation satisfaction or information satisfaction alone. It was also found that the antecedents for behavioral loyalty and attitudinal loyalty are very similar, and thus the research proposition is not supported. Furthermore, demographic analyses show that, males with one dimension of exchange outcome satisfaction are highly likely to have both attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. Conversely, education level and age do not have a significant effect on loyalty.en_US
dc.subjectCustomer Satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectCustomer Loyaltyen_US
dc.titleExchange Outcome Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in Podcastingen_US


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