Title: 傳統產業創造文創價值之企業經營模式分析: 以日日出股份有限公司宮原分公司為例
From Conventional to Cultural and Creative: A Business Model Innovation Case Study of Dawncake Miyahara
Authors: 劉佳艶
Liu, Chia-yen
Keywords: 文化創意產業;企業經營模式;日出宮原眼科;Cultural and Creative Industry;Business Model;Dawncake Miyahara
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 近十年來,台灣的文化及創意產業蓬勃發展,越來越多的傳統產業試圖以文創元素為舊有業務創造價值;其中,日出集團成功以歷史建築結合文創元素,突破傳統糕餅業或餐廳之形象,促使宮原眼科成為今日台中之象徵性觀光地標,為一成功之文創案例。

因此,本論文之研究目的係透過Osterwalder 及 Pigneur所提出的企業經營模式分析及問券調查了解宮原眼科之關鍵成功因素。由分析結果可知,宮原眼科係在關鍵資源之整合支持下,成功將其價值(趣味、美食以及產品包裝設計)傳遞於目標客戶。


The cultural and creative industries have been seen to become increasingly important in Taiwan in the past decade. Therefore, there is also an upward trend in creating cultural and creative value on the conventional business. Dawncake Miyahara is a successful example of applying cultural and creative factors on its traditional pastry business based on a historic building in Taichung. Through the innovation, Miyahara is not simply a pastry shop or a restaurant; in fact, it has become a popular sightseeing spot as well as a cultural icon in Taichung.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how Miyahara can be successful through business model canvas, which is introduced by Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010, and the survey analysis to conclude its key success factors. According to the results, with the excellence collaboration of its key resources, Miyahara perfectly delivers its value propositions (fun, delectable food and product packaging design) to its target customer segments.

In the long run, there is a great opportunity for Miyahara to apply its successful business model on the new historic object outside of Taichung or even in China. Also, there is a potential opportunity in extending its existing products such as wedding cakes.

The case study of Miyahara will be worth referring for future studies on the value creation of cultural and creative value over traditional business.
Appears in Collections:Thesis