Title: 客家文化創意產業政策之研究
The Study on the Policy of Hakka Cultural Creative Industries
Authors: 梁文珊
Liang, Wen-shan
Liu, Ta-ho
Keywords: 客家文化;文化創意產業;客家委員會;客家基本法;Hakka cultural;cultural innovation;Hakka Cultural Council;Hakka law
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本研究旨在探討我國在客家文化創意相關政策或活動之推動策略,以及我國在客家文化創意相關政策或活動之推動著重面向,以及客家相關政策之頒布對我國客家文化創意產業推動之影響。本研究係採文獻分析法及深度訪談法來探知我國在客家文化創意相關政策或活動之推動策略與著重面向。深度訪談法係以客家委員會內負責文化創意產業業務之相關人員以及文化局相關人員為主。依據訪談資料分析的結果,本研究主要發現歸納結論如下:
一、 首先,在我國客家文化創意相關政策或活動之推動策略上,客家文化創意相關政策或活動之推動從以往由上而下到現今由下而上居多。以客庄十二大節慶為例,此活動之舉辦係透過各地方向地方政府提案,來爭取活動支經費補助,此乃標準由下而上之客家活動推動策略,此外,客家文化創意相關政策或活動之推動策略亦會受活動規模大小所影響。
二、 在我國在客家文化創意相關政策或活動之推動面向上,客家特色產業業者參與行銷活動之輔導、客家產業人才之培育以及客家電影、電視之發展為客家委員會客家文化創意產業推動之主要面向,而文化部之成立將影響客家委員會在客家文化創意產業之推動面向,隨著新的行政院組織已在2012年陸續啟動,現有機關在新架構下將進行組織整併,連帶著業務職掌也重新分工。
三、 在客家基本法頒布對我國客家文化創意產業推動之影響上,客家基本法帶來客家文化創意產業推動之法源依據以及預算編列依據,此外客家基本法之架構與精神亦給予客家文化創意產業相關活動推動之依據,客家基本法可謂客家相關政策之基礎,最後,客家基本法有助喚起民眾對客家文化之重視。
The purpose of this research is to explore the domestic strategies on the promotion of Hakka innovative cultural activities or policies, the national focus on the related policies or activities about Hakka innovation, and the influence of the announcement of the Hakka relevant policies upon our Hakka culture’s innovative industry.
This research has adopted document analysis and in-depth interview to dig into how our country has emphasized the promotion of the relevant innovative policies upon Hakka culture or activities. The in-depth interviews consist of target interviewees in the Hakka Cultural Council who are responsible for the cultural innovative industry and staff in Cultural Affairs Bureau. According to the result of the interview, the research includes the following conclusions:
1. First of all, upon the strategic promotion of the related domestic Hakka cultural innovation or activities, most innovative Hakka cultural political promotions have shifted from a top-down trend to a down-top one. Take the 12 biggest Hakka conventions for example, holding such activities is to start from proposals from local bureaus to government in order to apply for subsidies for the activities, which is a typical strategy to promote Hakka culture. Besides, the strategic promotion of the related domestic Hakka cultural innovation or activities will also be influenced by the how big the event is.
2. Upon the national focus on the related policies or activities about Hakka innovation, the feature industry proprietors attend the consultation of the promoting activities, the cultivation of the human resources of the Hakka culture, and the development of the Hakka movie, TV programs, which are the main focus of the related policies or activities about Hakka innovation. The establishment of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, on the other hand, is to affect this promoting focus on the Hakka innovative culture from the Hakka committee. Along with the newly-established institutes in Executive Yuan since 2012 that have been lunched continuously, the current institutes will be reengineered, while the related positions as well are going to be redistributed.
3. Upon the influence of the announcement of Hakka laws that impact the promotion of the the domestic Hakka cultural innovation, the establishment of the laws brings along legitimacy to implement the budget that propel the industries of Hakka cultural innovation. On top of that, the founding spirit of this Hakka law offers a reference to promote relevant activities for the Hakka innovative industries, which is crucial basis for the related policies. As well, the laws help to raise public awareness of Hakka culture.
Appears in Collections:Thesis