Title: 文化資產、族群意識與地方展演:中國客家博物館與聚落保存研究考察計畫
Cultural Heritage, Ethnic Identity and Local Representation: Field Research on Hakka Museums and Communities Conservation in China
Authors: 劉堉珊
Yu-Shan Liu
Keywords: 客家博物館;聚落保存;文化資產;地方發展政策;Hakka museum;community conservation;cultural heritage;policy of local development 申
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本計畫目的在提供本院師生與客家研究中心人員,針對近年來在中國建置之客家博物館以及聚落保存與活化之相關規劃,進行短期密集的研究訪查、資料蒐集與學術文化交流。除兼具教學與文化交流之目的,也將透過實地的考察訪問,繪製當代客家博物館與客家聚落之分布地圖,希望透過二度空間的展演,理解近代客家論述發展所生產出的各種物質與非物質文化符碼地圖。本計畫規劃的訪查地點,第一年為閩粵贛客家地區,第二年為港、澳、四川及華南客家地區。訪查對象依性質分為三類:以「博物館」為名之傳統大型博物館、客家(民俗)文化村,以及「生活博物館」形式之客家民居聚落。參與人員將針對以下議題提交研究或訪查題目與大綱:
This project aims to provide the faculty and students with opportunities to conduct research on (and build research links with) the recently developed Hakka museums and community conservation programmes in China. It is a proposal for research, education training and academic exchange. For the teachers, this project creates an opportunity for them to deepen and broaden their research interests related to the Hakka museums, cultural heritage preservation and cultural industry. For the students, this project is also a good chance to receive intense research training, both theoretically and practically. For the College of Hakka Studies, this project will build a platform in promoting and encouraging long-term academic exchange and collaboration.
Gov't Doc #: 105-01-01
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/130933
Appears in Collections:Research Plans