標題: 閩西客家博物館田野紀要
Fieldwork Notes on Hakka Museums in West Fujian
作者: 劉堉珊
Yu-shan Liu and Wei-an Chang
關鍵字: 閩西;客家博物館;展示;論述;West Fujian;Hakka Museum;Exhibition;Discourse
公開日期: May-2017
出版社: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
摘要: 通過博物館的建置來宣示(且詮釋)客家文化,是愈來愈被普遍運用的一種做法。中國閩西在客家文化的發展過程中,具有舉足輕重的位置,該區域中大規模的「土樓」遺留,不但使其透過申請世界文化遺產,一躍成為國際舞臺中受到矚目的客家文化代表,更成為閩西近年來致力發展其「客家特色」的重要動力,如,閩西近年來大量建置客家博物館的規劃中,即可看到這些博物館如何成為介紹與論述閩西客家文化的重要平臺。2016年8月15日到21日,筆者等一行人走訪了閩西的兩個客家學院與多個客家文化博物館,本文即是對此行所見之觀察與紀錄,期待從這些客家博物館對於客家文化的展示、詮釋與蒐藏,觀察並理解當代閩西客家文化的特色與論述邏輯。
This article is based on the authors’ trip to the Hakka museums in West Fujian
from 15-21 August
2016. In recent years
there has been increasing academic
ethnic and political interest in Hakka culture and history. Museums serve as an important medium to collect and display historical artefacts for public viewing. West Fujian is one of the areas that was considered by the Chinese discourse of Hakka as playing a key role in the development of the Hakka community. In this trip
we found that the museums in Fujian seemed to share a framework of discourse in explaining the origins
movements and cultural features of the Hakka people. This article thus tried to explore the roles played by these Hakka museums
in particular
their roles in (re) constructing what it means to be a Hakka and (re)producing images of ‘Hakka culture.’
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=45&CA_ID=483
ISSN: 2310-8436
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 8
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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