標題: 台灣客家廣播收聽與節目品質研究
Research on Development of Hakka Broadcasting Industry and Program Quality
作者: 林純如
Lin, Chuen-Ru
Lee, Meihua
關鍵字: 族群媒體;多元文化;節目品質;收視質;欣賞指數;客家廣播節目;Ethnic media;Multiculturalism;Program quality;Qualitative rating;Appreciate index;Hakka Broadcasting
公開日期: 2012
摘要:   台灣客家廣播產業在經過族群社會運動的抗爭後,政府制定相關政策以維護客家族群近用媒體的權益,包括開放申設指定用途電台、委託電台製播客家廣播節目與《客家基本法》的實施。然而客家廣播節目的數量多寡不代表節目品質的好壞和內容會有多元的呈現,更不代表客家族群有平等近用媒體的機會,因此本論文在評估客家廣播節目品質的同時,欲建立起台灣客家廣播節目品質的指標。   再者,政府在《客家基本法》第十二條提到欲推動全國性客家廣播電台,然而現今以客家廣播聯播網的方式來暫時取代全國性的效果,該種方式對於客家族群近用媒體的權益有何影響,節目品質與一般客家廣播節目有何差異。綜合以上,本論文根據族群媒體、多元文化和節目品質等的相關理論,透過客家廣播節目的內容分析、桃竹苗地區閱聽人的欣賞指數和焦點團體訪談,以及產官學界的深度訪談法,多面向探討客家廣播的節目品質。   綜合研究結果發現,桃竹苗地區聽眾對於客家廣播節目整體表現的滿意程度不高,聽眾群大多以年長者為主。客家廣播的節目品質指標在內容層面上,包括了「娛樂性」、「正確性」、「適宜性」、「創新性」、「吸引性」、「多元性」、「豐富性」、「資訊性」、「文化內涵」和「在地性」,其中「創新性」、「吸引性」和「多元性」的內容是目前客家廣播節目需加強的重點。在製播形式的層面上則包括了「客語專業性」、「口語表達清晰度」、「口語表達流暢度」、「聲音表情」與「談話技巧」。而客家廣播聯播網的節目與一般客家廣播節目品質的差異在於重視「全國性」的內容題材、「不同客語腔調」的搭配與節目「時段的安排」。而業者在製播客家廣播節目時,建議可參考以上指標,並根據不同節目類型做適當的調整。   而為了提升客家廣播的節目品質,建議政府能加強協助業界在主持人客語能力和製播節目專業性的人才培訓,並鼓勵年輕人加入客家廣播產業。客家廣播聯播網雖然有達到全國性播放的效果,但只限於某些特定時段,建議政府仍需積極推動全國客家廣播電台,以維護與保障客家族群的傳播權與媒體近用權。
 After the Hakka social movements in 1998, the govervment of Taiwan starts to make communication policies to protect the right of media access for the Hakka people. To ensure the program content quality and the equal opportunity to access the ethnic media for Hakka, this thesis utilizes four criteria (program quality indicators, audience assessment, expert assessment, and policy assessment) to examine the Hakka broadcasting programs quality in the Taiwanese society.  Furthermore, so far the gornerment makes the Hakka broadcasting network to replace national Hakka broadcasting, which is article 12 of the Hakka Basic Law. This thesis wants to understand that how influences right of media access it is for Hakka people. Seconds, this thesis compares differences of programs quality between the Hakka broadcasting network and general Hakka broadcasting. Based on the theories of ethnic media, multiculturalism and program quality, this thesis employs methods of content analysis, focus group and in-depth interview to assess the program quality of the Hakka broadcasting programs.  Results showed that the Hakka broadcasting program quality indicators in the content level, including the “entertainment”, “correctness”, “appropriateness”, “innovation”, “attract”, “diversity”, “plentiful”, “information”, “cultural” and “local”. “Innovative”, “attract” and “diversity” are currently lacking elements of the Hakka broadcasting program. In the level of production forms, it includes the “Hakka language professional”, “the verbal clarity”, “the verbal fluency”, “sound expression” and “conversation skills”. Hakka broadcasting network programs and the general Hakka broadcasting programs quality differ in the emphasis on “national” content theme, distince Hakka “accent”, and programs’ “period arrangements”. The indicators are found to be appropriate to strengthen the program quality in terms of different types of the broadcasting programs.  On purpose enhance the Hakka broadcasting programs quality, the study recommended that the government should assist to train the host fluency in Hakka language and professional talents while producing programs, and to encourage young people to join the Hakka broadcasting industry. Currently, Hakka broadcast network is limited to certain hours on daily basis. In conclusion, this thesis suggests that the government should launch the national Hakka broadcasting system in the long run to improve the quality of Hakka broadcasting programs and safeguard the communication rights of the Taiwanese Hakka.