標題: 醫療觀光業創造價值: 以新光醫院及雄獅杏林為例
A Study of Value Creation in Medical Tourism Industry: Cases of Shin Kong Hospital and Lion Medical Tourism
作者: 鄭如欣
Cheng, Ju-Hsin
Anthony F. Han
關鍵字: 醫療觀光;供應鏈;商業模式;Medical Tourism;Supply Chain;Business Model
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 近年來,醫療觀光在世界各國興起,病人向醫療水準較高的海外國家尋求醫療服務且伴隨著旅遊行程。臺灣的醫療品質及醫療水準屢獲得國際認證,許多跨海來臺求診的成功案例更使得臺灣的醫療服務享譽國際,部分醫院甚至獲得國際醫療品質認證。除醫療服務外,宜人氣候、在地文化、特色美食、友善且熱情的居民更是讓臺灣成為旅客熱門的觀光首選地。然而醫療及觀光產業要如何攜手結盟吸引海外病人來臺體驗高水準的醫療服務及觀光消費遂變成臺灣的重要課題。 本文藉由分析大陸地區人民來臺從事健康檢查及美容醫學的法規進而提出第一個兩岸醫療觀光供應鏈。從該供應鏈可得知醫療機構及旅行業者是流程中不可或缺的服務提供者,兩者是既合作又競爭的關係。選取兩個產業的代表性公司為例,並以商業模式分析後得知,為了更有效的利用資源,兩個服務提供者必須同時存在並攜手合作才能讓醫療觀光產業的市場擴大並永續發展。
Medical tourism has raised and developed around the world in recent years. Patients search for better medical service abroad and accompany with travel intention. The extraordinary medical technique and medical service let Taiwan gain fame and reputation in global healthcare market. Taiwan is also famous of vacation destination therefore tourism industry grow prosperity especially after Taiwan government remove travel ban on Mainland residents. Nevertheless, how does medical industry and tourism industry align and attract medical tourist to experience medical service and sightseeing in Taiwan thus become an important issue. This research analyzes the medical travel regulations towards Chinese medical tourist and proposes the first medical tourism supply chain between Taiwan and Mainland China. It finds out that medical institution and travel agency are core service providers in medical tourism industry and the relationship between them are cooperative and competitive. The research further chooses representative company of each service provider and analyzes the case company by business model canvas. It realized that medical institution and travel agency should co-exist in order to utilize resources better and reduce cost, expanding the pie in the long term development.