標題: To Develop the Strategies of the Medical Tourism Industry in Taiwan by Using GRA and TRIZ: The Japanese Consumer Viewpoint
作者: 林千惠
Chien-Hui Lin
Tzong-RuJiun-Shen Lee
Chia-Shan Lee
Department of Management Science
關鍵字: 觀光醫療;消費者決策程序;劇場理論;灰關聯分析;TRIZ;Medical Tourism;Consumer Decision-Making Process;Dramaturgical Theory;Grey Relational Analysis
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 為追求醫療與觀光產業升級許多國家已著手規劃觀光醫療服務,因而各國對於觀光醫療也逐漸重視,因此,我國在觀光醫療的推廣也需邁向國際化的腳步,所以為全面性推動觀光醫療產業,本文將採消費者決策程序並融入劇場理論來做為設計問卷的基礎,以台灣主要觀光客源、國日本為實證對象,利用灰關聯作為分析問卷的工具,藉此找出在推廣觀光醫療時的關鍵成功因素,以及針對分析結果找出在推動觀光醫療時,將造成推動不易的問題利用TRIZ理論來研擬出15項策略,藉此有助於觀光醫療在未來規劃之參考依據。
In order to improve Medical Tourism industry, many countries have been working on services in Medical Tourism. Since other countries have already highly developed Medical Tourism market, Taiwan should promote its Medical Tourism internationally as well. To create an overall promotion strategy for Medical Tourism industry in Taiwan, this study uses Consumer Decision Process and Dramaturgical Theory to design a questionnaire. The Japanese tourists, as the main source of foreign tourism in Taiwan, are the empirical object of this study. By using Grey Relational Analysis as the tool to analyze the data collected through the questionnaire, we determine the key factors that can make the promotion of Medical Tourism successful. As a result, we define problems that may occur in promoting Medical Tourism and then apply the TRIZ theory to develop 15 strategies to solve them. The contribution of our study is a reference for managers on planning Medical Tourism promotion.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/129079
期刊: 交大管理學報
Chiao Da Mangement Review
Volume: 2
起始頁: 147
結束頁: 187


  1. 201012147187.pdf

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