標題: 應用TRIZ於服務品質創新之研究:以電子商務產業為例
A systematic approach for service quality innovation by TRIZ with a case study on E-commerce
作者: 林敬森
Chin-Sen Lin
Chao-Ton Su
Wen-Chih Chen
關鍵字: 創新方法論;服務品質;創新;模糊品質機能展開;電子商務;TRIZ;Service quality;Innovation;Fuzzy QFD;E-Commerce
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 近年來,TRIZ理論的獨特見解已顯示是一種結構完整且具創新價值的問題解決方法,且被廣泛地應用於科技工程與非科技領域。目前一般企業對於所進行的產品或服務品質之改善及創新,經常是依賴設計人員的靈感或過去經驗,使得創新或改善的效率及品質不佳,間接影響到顧客的滿意程度。因此,本研究應用TRIZ理論的創新模式,提供一個系統性的產生創新服務的架構,使得服務設計人員更有效率地解決面對的問題,以滿足顧客對服務品質的要求。 在應用TRIZ進行問題解決過程中,當使用到矛盾矩陣(Contradiction Matrix)時,常會發生由於TRIZ工程參數(Engineering Parameter)選擇的不恰當,而影響到所選取的發明原則,造成不適當的結果。本研究提出藉由建構一個39項TRIZ工程參數的對照表,提供使用者在運用TRIZ矛盾矩陣解決問題時,可以正確地找出合適的TRIZ參數。首先在確定所面臨問題所屬的產業別之後,針對該項產業服務品質的可能影響因素,廣泛地進行探索性研究,找出重要之決定因素;接著藉由影響服務品質的決定因素與TRIZ的39個工程參數之間的解釋意涵,類比配對出一個參數對照表;同時,將此參數配對結果,經由該產業與服務品質專家的問卷調查意見,確定參數配對的合適與否,並利用統計方法,檢定確認專家對此參數配適結果意見之一致性。於是所建構的參數對照表,可作為使用者在運用TRIZ矛盾矩陣解決問題時,能夠經由影響該問題的主要服務品質要素,快速且正確地對照出合適的TRIZ參數。 此外,在應用TRIZ進行問題解決過程中,於探索問題本質的分析階段,對於客戶的需求,甚至問題的根本原因,常會因為溝通過程中語意的認知不同,造成無法確切分析出影響顧客滿意的真正要因。因此,本研究建議應用模糊品質機能展開(Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment)的方法,協助分析顧客需求與服務品質決定因素之間的關係,以便明確指出與顧客滿意相關的關鍵性服務品質要素,加上應用所建構的參數對照表,協助有效找出相對應的TRIZ工程參數,進而應用TRIZ矛盾矩陣,找出適切的創新原則,尋求有效的創新解決方案。 本研究以一家電子商務公司的服務創新問題改善為例,應用所提出的系統性創新服務品質方法,解決該公司所面臨的顧客滿意改善問題,其結果說明了本研究所提出架構的可行性,同時也驗證應用TRIZ在特定產業服務品質創新上的實用價值。
In recent years, TRIZ methodology with its unique thinking has proved to be a well-structured and innovative way of problem-solving in technical and non-technical areas. Up to the present time, the practice of generating new products or services has mostly depended on the brainstorming, lateral thinking, or mind mapping methodology of the experienced practitioners; thus, in the starting state of new ideas generation, especially with unknown causes and unknown search directions, it is frequently limited to overcome the psychological inertia inherent in human thinking to strive for generating creative results. With this, this study focuses on proposing a systematic approach to effectively achieve the innovative services and to improve the service quality. When developing a systematic process integrating with TRIZ methodology, especially with applying the TRIZ contradiction matrix, the inappropriate selection of TRIZ engineering parameters will influence the inadequate reference of inventive principles, and consequently, the infeasible solutions are acquired. Therefore, a parameter corresponding table is constructed to provide practitioners with an efficient way to extract the appropriate TRIZ parameters relating to the specified problem, and enable the indication of effective inventive principles. From this, the parameter corresponding table is first developed from extracting the determinants of service quality based on a comprehensive qualitative study on the specified sector, then second, the analogical corresponding results between the determinants of service quality in the specified sector and the 39 TRIZ engineering parameters are formulated. After this, a validity test on the parameter corresponding results is conducted by administrating a questionnaire to the experts in the fields of the specified sector, service quality, and TRIZ. Consequently, the parameter corresponding table is validated in terms of its feasibility to be used in the specified sector. Besides, when the problem solvers focus on the process of formulating the problems, in practice, the uncertain and ambiguous expression of the opinions among them is usually occurred to impede the consensus of the discussion, and it will affect the invention levels of generated solutions consequently. Therefore, in this study, a systematic procedure is proposed to overcome this vagueness in problem formulating period by applying the relationship matrix of Fuzzy QFD (Quality Function Deployment) to analyze the imprecise and subjective problem information, and be able to clarify the dominant determinants within the essentials of the problem, and then by using the parameter corresponding table which we developed aforementioned, the appropriate 39 TRIZ engineering parameters can be effectively acquired. This consequently results to attaining the desired creative outcomes. Finally, the effectiveness of our proposed framework is illustrated in an e-commerce company. The practical results from the studied company show the effectiveness of our approach in service quality improvement in the e-commerce industry, as well as indicate the valuable contributions of the TRIZ methodology in the service sector.


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