Title: 電子商務之創新模式探討
A study of Innovation Models for Electronic Commerce & Business
Authors: 林杏潔
Lin Hsing Chien
Dr. Shang-Jyh Liu
Keywords: 電子商務;創新;創新模式;網際網路;網路書店;亞馬遜;策略;electronic commerce;ecommerce;innovation;innovation model;internet;online bookstore;Amazon;strategy
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 網路網路在這幾年從一個科技網路轉變成一個商業平台,其虛擬、無遠弗屆、電子化的特性,形成一股企業改革的旋風。本研究嘗試找出一個模式,分析電子商務創新的方法。
Over the last few years, the Internet has evolved from a scientific network to a new platform of business models. This research develops a scheme to explore the innovation models of e-commerce.
This study proposes three approaches with regard to the innovation models. The first approach is primarily based on the strategic aspects of e-commerce. It analyzes the factors of macro-environment, industry environment, corporate competence, and co-opetition. The second approach is associated with the technology and product per se. Two matrices of innovation are then established. The innovation matrix is related to product and technology, and the re-innovation matrix incorporates the strategic factors into the innovation model. The innovation matrix of product and technology consists of three dimensions, including physical aspects, Information technology and purposes of e-commerce. The re-innovation matrix consists of two dimensions, including five levels of strategies in product and service innovation, i.e., improving the business competence, restructuring industry value chain, building co-opetition relationship, as well as changing macro-environment. The underlying innovation methods applied in the re-innovation matrix are the six basic principles proposed by Lee (1995), in addition to the time factor proposed by this research. Three main aspects, in terms of business strategies, technologies and products of e-commerce, as well as further innovations enhanced from existing business models, construct the innovation models of this article. This framework is then applied to evaluate the cases of online-bookstore industry and Amazon as to exemplify the use of analytical schemes developed in this study.
E-commerce is an emerging industry and the theoretical framework of innovation drags a great deal of global attention. This research provides a logical and a systematic approach to analyze the innovation patterns, and serves a vehicle to create new ideas for e-commerce and e-business.
Appears in Collections:Thesis