Title: | 數位遊戲經驗對玩家PISA非連續文本閱讀素養的影響──以英雄聯盟為例 The Effect of Digital Gaming Experience on Players’ Reading Literacy in PISA Non-continuing Texts -A Case Study on League of Legends |
Authors: | 江孟穎 Chiang, Meng-Ying 孫春在 Sun, Chuen-Tsai 理學院科技與數位學習學程 |
Keywords: | 數位遊戲經驗;遊戲動機;閱讀動機;閱讀參與;閱讀素養;PISA非連續文本;digital gaming experience;gaming motivation;reading motivation;reading engagement;reading literacy;PISA non-continuing texts |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 數位遊戲亦是閱讀的媒材,豐富又具吸引的大量資訊營造玩家樂於參與的「悅」讀環境,潛移默化閱讀素養的養成。本研究以受國中生歡迎的數位線上遊戲《英雄聯盟》多元且豐富的圖表資訊作為遊戲閱讀平台,參考Sherry 及 Lucas (2003) 的分類將玩家的遊戲動機分為「挑戰」、「競爭」及「轉移注意力」;依據Wigfield 和 Guthrie (1995,1997) 的歸納把閱讀動機按遊戲成份分為「認可」、「競爭」及「重要」,藉以深入瞭解動機的不同及玩家年資、遊戲時數的不一樣,會為遊戲中的圖表閱讀參與和PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment, 國際學生能力評量計畫) 非連續文本閱讀表現帶來何種差異,並進一步探討不等的圖表閱讀參與程度對PISA非連續文本閱讀素養可能造成的影響。最後,針對遊戲經驗有無,檢驗有《英雄聯盟》遊戲經驗者與無《英雄聯盟》遊戲經驗者在遊戲相關的非連續文本閱讀應用上表現有無差別。
本研究以自編遊戲經驗問卷,佐以OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 經濟合作暨發展組織) 釋出的PISA非連續文本閱讀試題,針對新竹縣某國中六個九年級班級的同一批15歲準畢業生進行施測。
一、 動機傾向不同的玩家,在遊戲中的圖表閱讀參與程度及遊戲外的相關閱讀素養表現皆不盡相同。
二、 遊戲中的圖表閱讀參與程度會正面影響玩家在遊戲外相關閱讀素養的表現。
三、 遊戲時間掌握得宜,才是培養遊戲中閱讀素養增能的關鍵。 Digital games are another kind of reading materials. They provide not only an attractive reading information to engage players’ attention but also an abundance reading environment where players enjoy participating to promote reading literacy. “League of Legends,” a popular digital online game with plentiful charts and diagrams, was used as the game environment in this study. According to Sherry and Lucas’ (2003) classification, gaming motivation in the study was divided into “challenge,” “competition,” and “diversion;” reading motivation was divided into “recognition,” “competition,” and “importance” in accordance with Wigfield and Guthrie’s (1995,1997) literatures to survey whether players with dissimilar motivation as well as different gaming experience tended to differ in chart-reading engagement within the game and PISA non-continuing text reading performances. Furthermore, chart-reading engagement was also added to further explore if it affected the non-continuing text reading literacy beyond the game. Survey data were collected from 158 15-year-old students from six classes at the same junior high school in Hsin-chu County. Respondents were asked to fill out a questionnaire about gaming experience and take a non-continuing text reading test released from OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The principal findings of this research are as follows: (1) Chart-reading engagement within the game and non-continuing text reading performances beyond the game varied with the different motivation players’ had. (2) The more players engaged in chart-reading within the game, the better their reading literacy in PISA non-continuing texts was. (3) As for “reading in games,” appropriate gaming time was the key to promoting related reading literacy. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/74919 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |