標題: 在五樓到頂樓之前
From the fifth floor to the roof
作者: 羅兆恆
Luo, Zhao-Heng
Chen, I-Ping
關鍵字: 攝影;photography
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 這是一篇完全以自身為出發點所寫,關於攝影創作的論文。文中只討論自己的攝影,因此「羅兆恆」這三個字是論文中唯一的關鍵字,筆者書寫自己學習攝影的經驗,以各種主觀的感受來探究這門藝術跟自己生命的關係,並堅信藝術的追求無關潮流、無關評論、無關歷史,唯一有關的是人的心,唯有走入內心的最深處,那裡的一切是與每一個人相連結的。
This master’s thesis about photography was written purly based on the author's own experiences of exploring photography. Apart from a retrospect of learning photography, the author discussed the relation of this art and himself through his own personal feelings and thoughts. The author stated that, in the process of pursuing art, instead of following art trend, critism and history, the artist's heart should be the only thing for the artist to concern and examine. That is, only if an artist is willing to go into his inmost heart, can he find that everything inside there is all related to everyone in this world.


  1. 922301.pdf

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