標題: 城市物流中多商品多虛擬越庫之選址與路徑規劃
The Location and Routing Problem for Multiple Products and Multiple Virtual Cross-Docks in City Logistics
作者: 陳皇霖
Chen, Huang-Lin
Chen, Mu-Chen
關鍵字: 城市物流;選址路徑問題;多商品問題;虛擬越庫;基因演算法;City Logistics;Location-Routing Problem;Multiple Products Problem;Virtual Crossdock;Genetic Algorithm
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 城市物流是近年來興起之研究議題,城市不斷成長,交通量不斷增加使得許多問題浮現,許多學者投入城市物流相關領域研究。隨著物流業的蓬勃發展,運輸路線規劃問題也逐漸被重視,其可用來評估城市物流,改善城市物流並提高貨運效率。   根據美國U.S. Department of Commerce的統計,物流的花費有58%是花費在運輸過程,由此可知降低運輸成本可以有效的降低物流成本,物流中與運輸成本相關的決策包括車輛路徑規劃問題及選址路徑問題,若想要達到物流成本最小化,車輛路徑規劃及選址路徑問題則必須同時考量。   以往之路徑排程規劃多針對單一商品,為符合城市中零售商多元商品需求量大的特性,所以本研究針對多商品配送,同時考量多商品問題、車輛路徑規劃和多虛擬越庫選址,以求降低成本及提高貨物輸送效率。 本研究針對服務多商品零售商之物流團隊規劃其物流設計,建置多點虛擬越庫,在各顧客需求不同的條件下,經由模式分析選擇最佳開起之虛擬越庫,透過車隊路徑規劃以求成本最小化,本研究建構一數學模式及基因演算法,產生最小化運輸成本的車輛路徑規劃及虛擬越庫選址,同時設計並求解測試範例,且後續研究者提出未來研究方向。
With the rapid development of the logistics, vehicle-routing problems which attracts logistics close attention, it can be used to assess city logistics and improve urban freight transport. U.S. logistics spend 58% used in the transport, It can be seen that reduce transportation costs can effectively reduce logistics costs. The key to reducing transport costs include vehicle-routing planning and location-routing planning. If we want to achieve transportation cost minimization, vehicle-routing problem and location-routing problem must be considered at the same time. Previous vehicle-routing problem usually focus on single product. But in fact, retailers in city need multi-products more than single product. In order to meet the characteristics of city logistics and to improve the efficiency of products transportation and achieve transportation cost minimization. This study considered multiple products problem, vehicle-routing problem, location-routing problem by multiple virtual cross-docks. This study focus on helping logistics company which servicing for multiple products retailer in city to solve vehicle-routing problem and location-routing problem. Setting multiple virtual cross-docks and analysis which virtual cross-docks should be open according to minimize the transportation cost. This study will construct a mathematical model and genetic algorithm to solve the location-routing problem for multiple products and multiple virtual cross-docks in city logistics. This study’s sample design from the international question base and will solve the question. Finally, conclusions and future recommendations will be summarized.