標題: 台灣個人婚禮攝影師之消費者行為分析
Taiwan consumer behavior analytics of the Individual Wedding Photographers Industry
作者: 蔡易霖
Tsai, Yi-Lin
關鍵字: 個人婚禮攝影師;Individual Wedding Photographers
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本研究旨在探討台灣個人婚禮攝影師如何在激烈的競爭環境中以自身的專業能力來得到消費者的青睞之分析。
近 10 年來在數位單眼相機(DSLR)的普及化與價格平民化之下,成為一位專業的婚禮攝影師不再需要花大錢購買設備,攝影的技巧藉由微晶片的輔助運算,拍攝難度也大幅的降低,,在幾乎人手一機的情況下,婚禮攝影師的素質參差不齊,婚紗公司、個人攝影師百家爭鳴,對於已投入這產業的人員必定不能忽視這股風潮所帶來的影響。
本研究以新竹地區婚紗公司與個人婚禮攝影師為研究對象,以網路問卷方式發放台中以北地區,回收有效問卷221份,總計 221 份。經統計方法進行實證分析,實證結果如後續分析呈現。
An analysis of the study was to explore individual wedding photographers in Taiwan how to get consumers with their professional capability in the competitive environment.In the past 10 years , digital SLR camera (DSLR) were became popularized and inexpensive. Become a professional wedding photographer dosen’t need to spend a lot of money to buy equipments.and the auxiliary operation of microchip reduce the difficulty of shooting. Wedding photographers are uneven in qualities in the case of almost everyone can have a digital SLR camera (DSLR). Wedding studios and individual wedding photographers are highly competitive, so the people has been put into this industry couldn't ignore the impact of this trend.The wedding studios and individual wedding photographers in the Hsinchu region of Taiwan are objects for this study, with internet questionnaires , which are distributed in hsinchu, total 221 and 221 valid questionnaires were recovered. After statistical analysis, the empirical results are presented in this study